"I've also got a couple more things." Harry reaches back into his bag, this time, pulling out a pack of orange Tic-Tacs and a deep red zip-up, similar to the one Juno wore in the beginning of the movie—when she found out she was pregnant. "The candies are for me, obviously—and I've got everything else at home—but this is for you. I figured you wouldn't want to be, you know, visibly fake-pregnant, so yeah."

He places the jacket in my hands. A smile forms on my face, strong and certain enough that it makes my cheeks hurt.

"This is unreal. Thank you."

"So...we'll do it, yeah? Be the Juno to my Bleecker?"

My cheeks heat. "Yeah."

And that was that. We've been set on this costume ever since.

Granted, it could've been worse, way worse, it's still...more than I thought. Everyone will know who we're supposed to be.

"Oi!" Georgie bangs on the bathroom door, snapping me back to reality. "Dennie! Quit hogging the loo. I've got to go."

It's just one day. One costume that isn't even that bad. I can last one day.

I give myself one last quick onceover, fixing any strays from my ponytail and straightening my jacket. Why did the costume department make Elliot Page wear so many layers?

A pair of classic black converse cover my feet, and covering them is a dark wash pair of jeans. Low-rise jeans. On my torso, I've got a white sports bra, covered by a colourfully brown, thin, horizontal striped shirt, and on top of that is the deep red zip-up Harry got for me.

"Sorry." I apologise as I open the door, relinquishing my rights to the bathroom. "It's all yours."

Georgie's dressed as a greaser, her friend group decided to be those after they saw Grease for the first time.

"You look cool, George."

"And you look fine, Den." We're standing in the doorway, face to face. "Can I have it now?"

"Yeah, sorry." I step out of the way and retreat down to the kitchen.

"And what are you supposed to be?" My mum sits at the dining room table, eating her oatmeal.

"Um, just some girl from a movie. It was Harry's idea, actually."

"Harry? The boy you've been seeing?" My dad's sat next to her, the newspaper in his left hand and a coffee mug in his right.

"Yeah, we're friends, dad. He's really nice." I feel my cheeks warm, but ignore it.

My dad grunts in disapproval.

"Oh, let it be. Kids will be kids. Is he still picking you up this morning?"

I carry myself into the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge. "No, I'm riding with Fran today, thought I told you."

"That's fine."

"Harry's taking me home though. Well, we're riding with his sister, but yeah." I pull a jug of Sunny-D off the shelf, purchased especially for today.

"Okay, well, remember your sister has her swim meet tonight, so you can't be out too late."

"I know."

"Well you missed it last time." My dad scoffs, eyes never leaving the paper.

"It wasn't my fault last time."

"Don't talk back to your father, Nadine."

My shoulders fall. "Sorry." A car horn sounds from outside. "That's Fran. I'll see you later."

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