Ch. 03: Snake, Cat, Fox and Fish

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Emerging from a state of fantastical dreams, Kaito began to wake up the next morning. Then his eyes bulged in surprise at the fact that he was somehow sitting on the floor! And just as quickly...

His mind raced, Wha... Something's slipping around me... Wait, this cold texture...!

"Good morning, Kaito," A familiar voice greeted, "Still need to warm myself up..."

Turning to his left where his bed was, the blue-haired young man got another surprise! Meiko was basking in the sunlight emanating from the window. It was possible she pulled off his covers, then set him down on the floor. From what Kaito could tell, her forked tongue was darting in and out, her way of breathing without snoring. It was then Kaito realized just as quickly that her tail was entwining around him!

Kaito cried in surprise, "MEIKO?! What are you doing in my room?!"

Only for Meiko to answer lazily, "Was feeling cold, so I came to get some sunshine and your warmth..."

Peering down, Kaito saw the tail had encased even his shoulders of his shirtless body and was now making its way up to his neck.

Fearfully Kaito supplicated, "M-Meiko, please not there! Not ther--ACK...!"

Ignoring her host's pleas, Meiko's tail snaked about Kaito's neck and wrapped up tightly around it. The familiar feeling of being lapped up to his throat in the lamia's coils wasn't lost on him. The cool, smooth scales was relaxing to his skin, but it was hell on his breathing and frustrating to be held in one place.

"Mmm... Feels nice. Human warmth from head to toe with sunshine, too," Meiko mused.

Though his breathing was complicated by the burgundy coils, Kaito tried to mediate the situation.

He tried to plead again in a strangled voice, "Mei... ko... Could... you please... unwrap... me...?"

But the lounging lamia merely made a childish giggle.

"No, no, dear. A few more degrees are what I need," She refused amusedly.

In resignation, Kaito tried to sigh, but all he could manage was a wheeze.

Meiko told Kaito without looking at him, "By the way, dear... I liked how cute your boxers looked."

Taken aback, Kaito tried to exclaim, "My... My box... ers?! You... You per...!"

Only for Meiko to give him her equivalent of a slap on the wrist, squeezing him for a second. A brief but sharp instant of pain accompanied by blood rushing into Kaito's head came to pass.

"Ah-ah, my blue-haired dear," The lazy lamia retorted, "I only found its ice cream patterns cute."

Aggravated, Kaito whined in his mind, The things I do to keep my houseguest happy...

"So tight... So tight," Kaito gasped in pain.

"Now, now, my pet," Meiko chided, "Just relax. I'll uncoil you soon..."

It was then Kaito recalled the night before, some of the details involving monster people as guests...

After Meiko was finished warming up with her host, they decided to look over the rules. Going to his PC, Kaito went to an internet link regarding Monster People rules after a few clitter-clatters of his keyboard and clicks of his mouse.

"Let's see," Kaito observed, "First, the host must make sure his monster guest receives the proper accommodations. If you need help in remodeling your home or more information, proceed to Contact Us and we'll contact your insurance agency."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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