Don't touch my girl!

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Shea Wright 8pm 

I am awoken out of my sleep by the phone ringing "Hello" I answer "Is this Shea Wright?" Some woman asks "Yea.. who's this?" I ask "This is Evelyn Lacee I am a doctor at Johnson's Emergency room. We have a patient here by the name of Diamond Aysher Yadav, We found your number in her cellphone"   My mind goes blank for a few seconds "I..Is she alive?" I ask "Yes ma'am but she is in the ICU, She asked us to contact you before she passed out. Would you be able to come to the hospital so we can talk more?" Evelyn asks "yes, I will be right there!" I hang up, quickly get dressed then head out the door, My mom has the children still so I know they are good. 

"Hi, I am here for Diamond Aysher yadav" I say "Her doctor would like to speak with you first, I will page her right now, Can you please go wait over there?" The receptionist points to the waiting area, I sit down in the first empty chair "Shea Wright?"  "Yes.." I stand up "Hi, I am evelyn, We spoke on the phone, Diamond was found outside of our hospital, We had the police run the footage back and we would like you to take a look at it just to see if you know anybody." Evelyn says so I follow her, We end up in the room with security and police "Please take a good look!" The officer rewinds the tape, I look at it and am horrified by how Taylor just pushed Diamond on to the curb like she is nothing. "I don't know that person, Is Diamond able to see this footage?" I ask "We have concerns about her eyesight at the moment so right now she isn't able to, Are you sure you don't know who that is?" The officer asks "Yeah, I am sure... Can I see Diamond please?" I ask "Yes ma'am!" A security guard escorts me to Diamond's room, She is laying on the hospital bed, her head wrapped, eyes swollen but one is completely shut, IV in her arm and she looks so out of it. "Can she hear me?" I ask "Yes!" The nurse who is changing her bloody wrap answers, I pull up a chair and hold Diamond's hand, tears form in the corner of my eye as I look at her... She doesn't even look like herself. Once the nurse leaves I ask Diamond a few questions "Can you squeeze my hand?" I ask and she does "I'm going to ask you a few questions, If it's a yes I want you to squeeze my hand if its a no do not squeeze my hand." I say  "Did Taylor bring you here?" I ask and she squeezes my hand "Did she say not to tell the truth about what happened to you?"  She squeezes my hand, I ask three more questions, I got all the information I need. "I love you babe!" I kiss her cheek.  "Hey mom, I need you to keep the kids for a few more days, Diamond was in an accident so I am helping her out!" "Thank you mom, yea she will be fine" "Okay, I love you too bye!"   "Babe, I got you!" I hold her hand. 

3 AM - Diamond Aysher Yadav 

"AHHHHH TAYLOR STOP PLEASE STOP TAYLOR"   "Diamond, babe, wake up!" Shea grasps my hand "It's okay, I'm here!"   "Taylor?" I try to turn my head "No babe, Taylor isn't here... She won't be here, You are safe!" Shea says. My whole body aches, everything hurts, All I want to do is just be held and loved but I know I can't... I don't deserve love... "Diamond we have to put medicine in your eyes okay?" The nurse says  "Who is Taylor?" The nurse asks.. I squeeze Shea's hand, hearing that name alone makes me tense up... "Taylor Yadav... Her wife..." Shea answers "Diamond did your wife do this to you?" The nurse asks and I don't move, I don't respond... Fear takes over my body "If she did we can protect you, The police can help you Diamond and I can see that Shea is a very great friend of yours!" Emma speaks but I can't.. I can't tell her, I can't tell the police, I should've never told Shea... "Okay sweetie, I will check on you soon" Emma leaves the room. "Do you want me to speak to them?" Shea asks " I go home" I say "Diamond you might be blind in one of your eyes, some of your ribs are cracked, your spine was damaged, good thing you aren't paralyzed, You are doped up on drugs right now Diamond because of the extent of damage done to your body. You could've died, Shit you could go into a mental shock and die right now! You aren't going home, ever again, not with her! fuck no, over my dead body and I mean that!" Shea is so serious so I don't even bother responding. 


Taylor Yadav 7AM

"I'm calling to check on a patient by the name of Diamond Aysher Yadav" I say "Ma'am are you family?" The person asks "Yeah, I'm her sister" I lie "Can you just transfer me to her room so I can talk to her myself" I say "yes, One moment" The transfer line goes and then the phone picks up "H..Hello?" I hear my wife's sweet voice and butterflies form in my stomach, She sounds so sexy... "Hey baby, How are you, I am sorry for pushing you out like that, I couldn't be seen there.. you know why right? I love you baby..." I am so happy to hear her voice "Babe..?" I say "Yes..yes" Diamond responds "Are you okay?" I ask "Ye yes" She says "I'm going to come see you as soon as I can!" I say before hanging up. 

Shea Wright 10AM - After seeing my kids for an hour I head back to the hospital but before I get there I stop and get a coffee from starbucks

"I'm checking in to see Diamond Aysher Yadav, My name is Shea Wright!" I say "Ok, go ahead!" The lady smiles... Right when I am about to open the door I hear a familiar voice "Babe, I know I hurt you but please, You can't report this okay?" I hear Taylor say... I put my coffee down on the desk outside of the room then enter where I see Taylor kissing Diamond "You bitch!" I grab her by the back of her neck, slamming her face into the wall "You like putting your hands on my girl right, You like that shit?" I bash her face in the wall again, Taylor tries to get out of my grip but I don't let her, At this point her nose is definitely broken "Fuck off me!" She says "Nah bitch fuck you!" I punch her in the stomach multiple times, We end up in the hallway but I continue beating the fuck out of her, using all my strength to bust her face wide open, her nose is broken, blood is everywhere, I busted her mouth "Stop, Stop!" A nurse tries to stop us "She tried to kill Diamond!" I punch Taylor in her face again, this time hitting her eye, I hear a pop, Taylor goes down, security and a cop grab me "Shea we need you to calm down, please calm down! We got her go be with Diamond." Evelyn brings me back into the room, She grabs the first aid kit then cleans my fists "Shea you broke your knuckle" Evelyn says "I don't even feel any pain" I huff "I know, let's get this fixed!" She finishes cleaning me up before I get my knuckle fixed up, A cop walks in the room "Yeah, here! cuff me" I say "Taylor Yadav doesn't want to press charges" The officer says and I just chuckle "That's because she is planning revenge" I say "We need Diamond to tell us what happened in order to arrest Taylor" The officer speaks and I look over at Diamond. "She did this... Taylor.. she pushed me out of the car, She been abusing me since I lost custody of my kids..." Diamond cries "FUUUUCK!" We hear Taylor yell "You know you broke her nose right?" Evelyn whispers and I nod my head "I wish my ex-girlfriend would've protected me like that!" Evelyn says while wrapping my hands "If you can't hit a bitch while she's up, hit her while she is down!" I wink at Evelyn.  

Taylor Yadav 

"Fuck man, chill out!" I hold the ice on my forehead while the doctor touches my nose to see what can be done "Your nose won't look the same but we can try our best to get it back to normal" He says "Try your best?" I question "Your nose is broken, It won't ever look like it used to again.. I am sorry!" He says... My stomach hurts like hell. "She did a number on you!" A doctor with the name tag Evelyn walks in "You did deserve it though!" Evelyn smiles 

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