Michael Jr turns 4!

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Shea Wright
It's been such a long time and We've all been good except Diamond, She's been freaking out ever since we received papers in the mail that Michael wants custody of Jr. He even is trying to get custody of Michaela but we and Carla's family are putting up a fight both financially and mentally. I've hired the best attorney I can find and Carla is seeking the medical help she needs because even though she is alive she has never gone 100% back to herself. Today is Jr's birthday and I am trying to get everything together while being there for Diamond who is having a hard time keeping herself together. "Shaela, baby put that down please!" I say to our daughter "mama I want milk!" She whines "I know baby but you just had milk, I'll give you some water in a little" I hang up the Happy birthday banner then get Shaela some water "Mommy is crying, she wants you!" Jr says "Okay, watch your sister for a minute" I say as I head to our bedroom and check on Diamond "What if he gets custody!" She cries "Diamond, After everything he has done he will be in jail for a long ass time trust me" I kiss her then help her up from the floor "Wash your face babe, You got this and I'm on the birth certificate, he's not going to win I promise you!" I say

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