Jealousy or Anger?

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Asia Canady
"OPEN THE DOOR, OPEN THE DOOR!" I pound on Iyla's door "What the fuck are you doing here?" She whispers with anger in her voice "Please..." I plead "Go away! Look at you all fucked up!" She scoffs "Help me Iyla please!" I beg but she slams the door in my face "Iyla he won't let me get away!" I cry as I hit the door but she doesn't respond "IYLA!" I yell as loud as I can and she finally opens the door before grabbing me by my wrist, I get scared thinking she's going to beat my ass but she doesn't, She brings me inside "Who is he?" She asks "Calvin Bright!" I say while tears come down my face "Calvin Bright? What type of name.." she shakes her head "Iyla, I need somewhere to stay, just until I can figure some things out!" I say. "Nah, you threw your kids away, YOU THREW THEM AWAY LIKE TRASH, no way you're staying with me"
Diamond Aysher 💎 8am

"Babe what's wrong?" Taylor kisses my cheek "I'm scared... scared that you'll leave me one day!" I say "I won't, As long as you are loyal, honest, faithful and truthful to and with me I'm here to stay, you're my woman baby girl and I'm not going anywhere I promise." Taylor holds me tightly which makes me feel a whole lot better.

10 am- I stay in bed while Taylor gets Messiah and Shaela ready to leave "Where's mommy?" I hear Messiah ask "Shes resting, hey! Do you want to play hide and seek before mama comes?" I hear Taylor ask then Messiah and Shaela take off running to hide "one, two, three, four, fiiiiive, siiiix, seveeen, eiiiight, nine, TEN! Ready or not here I come, Where did those little cuties go, oh my gosh I think I lost them! Ahhh wait wait I see a foot!" I love that Taylor interacts with them sooo much and plays with them, She's a great woman. A while later Shea knocks on the door "MAMA! MAMA!" My babies get super excited to see their mama.  "Umm who are you?" Shea asks Taylor "I'm Taylor, Taylor Yadav!"  "Where is Diamond?" Shea asks and I immediately get up to come to the door "That's mommy's girlfriend!" Messiah says "Ahhh okay!" Shea smiles at Taylor and I before picking Shaela up and leaving "She's not too happy about me around them..." Taylor says "Oh well!" I kiss her then close and lock the door.

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