Court Room Decision

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Diamond Aysher 

"He has a baby with me, Michael Carri Jr, A son with Asia Canady who was adopted by Iyla, A daughter by Carla, Michaela and  twins by some woman that I received a message from on my instagram, She claims she is pregnant with twins by Michael Carri and will be getting a DNA test as soon as possible." I say to the judge who looks like he shit himself just hearing how horrible Michael is "Michael have you been to any of these other children's births?" "No your Honor but I am ready to be a father and provide for my children." Michael says "Michael you have made absolutely no effort to be in any of these children/s lives so therefore the mothers have full legal and sole custody of their children. You, Michael are dismissed!" The Judge says before banging the gavel "That's bullshit, I'm a Carri, You cant do this to me!" Michael yells at the judge before storming out and slamming the courtroom door "Thank you Your Honor" Shea and I say before leaving the court house. I am so relieved and happy "told you!" Shea smiles and hugs me "I know babe, I just still was nervous!" I kiss her cheek.

Once at home I pick up Jr and give him a tight hug "We need to change his name!" Shea says out of nowhere "O....okay..." I kiss jr's cheek "but to what?" I ask "We can think on it, but he can't be a junior anymore... He is better than that guy!" Shea says and I agree with her. My son is and will always be better than Michael Carri and all the other Carri family. 

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