EP 63 - Sulk & Upset

Comenzar desde el principio

Jaden : But how about young master?

Y/N : Ignore them. Call Jason oppa now.

He hesistated to call but he have to. You was also his employer. Both of you left from back gate and get inside the car.

You playing the video games with Jaden at the living room. After a long playing, you guys fall asleep on the carpet.


We driving home after a long day at the office. We have so many work to do. We thought we can see Y/N during lunch hour but nah...

We didn't see her at all. We just able to peek her inside the class only. We miss her alot. We get inside the house and we stop walking.

Jasom : Sir, you're home?

He ask us as he coming from the kitchen. We saw Jaden and Y/N sleep side by side on the carpet.

Jason : Sir, sorry about my brother..

He said nervously as he try to wake his brother up.

Jin : Don't.

Jason : Huh?

Jin : If you wake him up, Y/N also will waking up.

Jason : As you said, sir.

Namjoon : Have she eat yet?

Jason : She's already eaten, sir.

Namjoon : Okay.

Suga : Jason, is she okay? I mean without us here.

He ask slowly.

Jason : Sir...

Hobi : Just be truthful. Is she totally fine?

Jason shake his head. Then Jaden and Y/N wake up. They sit up and rub their eyes. We can't help but awe with her. She just looks so cute with these messy hair.

Jaden : Young master !

He shocked when he saw us. He immediately get up and stand beside his brother, Jason.

Jason : I'm sorry, sir. I was suppose...

Taehyung : It's okay, Jaden. Don't worry too much.

Jungkook : Y/N baby, where are you going?

She was trying to sneak out from there. She stop walking but didn't look at us.

Jimin : Baby?

She ignore us and walk to her room.

Jason : I suggest you talk with her first, sir. She seems very upset and now she was kinda sulking.

Suga : I knew it this will happen. We shouldn't let her...

Jim : Suga, we have to. We didn't have any choice. Dad need us.

Jungkook : And same goes to our baby. She need us too.

He said and walk to Y/N room. Jaden and Jason bow and left the mansion. The rest of us walk to her room too. We hear that Jungkook trying to convince her.

Jungkook : Baby, don't mad with us.

He keep clinging toward her. We enter her room.

Jungkook : Baby, it's not good to ignore your brother.

You type something.

Y/N : So it was a good thing that you guys ignore me? You guys can do that to me but i can't? That was so unfair.

Jungkook : That's not what i mean.

Y/N : Then?

He sighed.

Jin : Princess, we wanna say sorry. We have a bit problem with the company and we got really really busy. Please understand us.

Y/N : Okay. Fine. If that what you want me to do. Please leave because i need to do my homework.

She said in sign language but pity, we didn't understand it. The next thing we know is she push us out from her room and slammed the door.

We mess up this time. We to our room since we was too exhausted. We didn't get proper rest for a few months. There someone trying to sabotage our company and attack dad at the same time.

So want or not, we really have to leave her. But we make a mistake too. We neglected her. We abandoned her because we was too tired. And of course she will be upset.

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