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After witnessing Bifrost ablaze, you head to Loki's chambers to warn him of Thor's arrival. Thor was the god of thunder, protector of the mortal realm, servant to Asgard, long lost brother of Loki, and giant killer. Had Odin got wind his Valkyrie fell to the Jotun King? Did he send Thor to intervene? If so, you could only imagine it wouldn't be with be by way of a peaceful agreement, for Thor's mighty weapon Mjolnir was known to destroy giants in a single blow. You couldn't bear the thought of Loki's kingdom being destroyed because of your actions. And so you set off to warn him.

Thunder booms and shakes the castle as you race down the hall. Ice glitters like diamonds along spiral shaped torches which extinguish as you pass each one. What if it is too late? What if all Thor wants when he arrives is war? You stop, realizing that perhaps what you needn't do is warn Loki, but confront Thor. Thor trusted you. Thor was your friend. He would listen to you and hopefully obey your wishes to leave.

Turning south you race down the spiral staircase which led towards the exit of the castle. There standing outside is your mare, well groomed and waiting for you. You mount your steed, rider and horse take off together as if you had not even spent a day apart. A giant guarding the castle calls to you but you ignore his pleas to stay.

In the distance storm clouds gather. Thunder crackled. Lightning streaks. Bifrost appears and then disappears leaving behind a rainbow colored mist. You see Thor's chariot. A silver and gold vessel draped in gems led by two goats landing in a nearby snowfield. The god sees you and directs the chariot to where you and your mare await him.

He halts the chariot and dismounts it. His red cape swirls about in the wind revealing his bulging biceps and belt of strength. In his hand he holds his hammer, the giant killer known as Mjolnir.

He approaches you with the confidence only a god of his might could possess.

"Thor," you say.

Standing in the knee deep snow, he addresses you. "So it is true. You have betrayed Asgard."

You dismount your steed and approach him. "I have betrayed no one. And if Odin has sent you here to destroy Jotunheim you can leave right now, for I will not allow it, unless you are willing to take me with it."

"Has he enchanted you? Taken your mind against your will? Seduced you to bend to his allegiance?"

"No one has enchanted me. I am here on my own accord."

"Let me remind you Valkyrie, you are a woman of Odin, you have sworn allegiance to Asgard and the realm of mortal people, just as I. To take up an affair with the Jotun king is treachery."

"Odin sent us here to defend the Jotun's against the Draugr, how is this treachery?"

"And now that your mission is over you are instructed to return to Asgard. I am here to see to it that you do."

Without thinking you say, "I love him."

Thor paused, He appears confused as if what you said is impossible. "Love him? Exactly who is him?"


A booming laugh escapes him. "The Jotun king? He cannot be trusted. He is a liar, a thief, a trouble maker at best–"

"And your brother casted out from the gods to live the rest of his life here in this barren, wicked realm."

His eyes travel to the castle behind you. You see something in them, perhaps it is compassion. "He is my brother and it is how I know him best, Why do you think he was casted out of Asgard and fell to this realm? Because this is where he belongs. With his people. He made his choice. He lied and cheated his way to the throne in Asgard once before which is exactly what he is doing to you now. Convincing you that he loves you so that he can take the throne."

"I never heard such things."

"This was long before you came to Asgard, and I doubt he would admit to such acts if his desire is to seduce you."

"No," you say as you think of Loki's tender whispers and gentle touch as you lay in his arms. "It can't be."

"It is. And what better way to get revenge on our father than to steal a Valkyrie, and not just any Valkyrie, but the strongest of them all. All of Asgard looks up to you. What a feat for Loki this would be."

You remain silent unsure of Thor's claims. Is this true? Was Thor right? Was Loki using you to take back the throne and once that was done he would discard you? Were there stories he had not told you? Lies he fed you as part of his bigger plan? You looked at Thor, an honest, honorable god. Thor would never lie. So now who do you trust?

The Thunderer continues to plead his case to you. "I know it hurts to believe that, but you must. That is the truth." Thor takes a step towards you. "I am not just here to take you back to Asgard. I am here to ask you to marry me. To be my wife and my queen and ascend to the throne honestly, together the way it is meant to be. Not with a Jotun who has betrayed us."

What? You look at him, flustered by his proposal. You were always good friends, you even kissed once long ago, when you were both drunk on mead at a feast, It was a good kiss, one that you didn't want to end. But it led to nothing more as you believed he always loved the goddess Sif, Perhaps you were wrong.

"I'm confused," you begin. "We are friends, I didn't think–"

"That I loved you? But I do. You are the only one I ever wanted."He extends his hand. "Come with me and we will leave together and I swear to you I will never harm Loki or his realm. We will leave in peace."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you will have chosen war and destruction. Upon my signal warriors of Asgard will arrive. They will do what they must to protect Asgard and the nine realms. Even if it means taking my brother's life."

You take a step back and face the castle where you see giants assembling. What this really happening? Was Thor, son of Odin, asking you to be his wife? Oh how simple it could be. Leave Jotunheim. Go with Thor. Marry him. Ascend to the throne as the wife to the son of Odin. Rule Asgard together under Odin's blessing. There would be no war. No deceit. No stealing of anything. Between the grey snowy mist, Loki's castle shines in the distance. Its icy spires glitter in the night sky like beacons. If you left you know it would mean never seeing him again. Trading eternity in the warmth of a peaceful Asgard worlds away from here, worlds away from Loki.

What about the fire which was kindled in your heart. As you stand there in the blistering cold, you know in your heart its flames can only be stoked by the Jotun king. Could you extinguish it to save him and his realm?

You face Thor and make your decision. You chose love and sometimes in matters of love we must do the unthinkable. 

To be continued.....

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