5 - Disney's Motivated

Start from the beginning

With a determined look, she grabbed her helmet and placed it on her head. Running towards the window, she opened it and jumped out. With the location appearing on her helmets HUD screen, she flew in its direction. 

 Walking down the street with a cane in his hand, Mr P arrived in front of a large expensive home. Heading towards the front door, he pulled out a key and unlocked it. Entering his humble abode, he left the door open ajar. Making his way into the living room, he went towards his bar. He poured himself some whiskey, swirling the glass before taking a sip. Taking a seat in an armchair, he rested his cane down. Laying one leg over another, he stared in the direction of the door.

Landing outside of the large building, Disney would notice the open front door. Taking a few steps up the pathway, she stopped outside. Holding up her repulsors, she walked inside. Making sure to survey the area as she made her way through, she would find herself in the living room. Taking her a few seconds, she would spot Mr P. Drinking from his glass, he would smirk over to her.

"I've been expecting you..." He announced sinisterly.

Gulping lightly, she stepped towards him.

"You need to stop... After those kids are safe to be released, you have to shut it down!" She demanded.

Nodding his head, Mr P would chuckle.

"Yeah... No, I don't think so..." Standing up and grabbing his cane, he'd finish his alcohol. "It seems you've become incompetent..."

"What?" Disney asked, confused.

"You aren't the hero we need... Not anymore!" He smirked, tapping his cane onto the ground.

Quickly in stepped two women, more princesses. Looking to each side, Disney would spot Mulan and Cinderella. Standing either side of the hero, they smiled.

"Wait... What." She choked. "So, you work for him?"

"Oh no..." Mulan would shake her head.

"We're just hired... But now it's more than that..." Cinderella added.

Duchess looked between them confused.

"Are you stupid?" Mr P laughed. "It's simple. I hired them to prove Disney Land The Country needs a hero... But now, they're here to just take you down. I can't have this information getting out... And you killed their sister..."

A furious look would grow on the hero's face, inside the helmet.

"I did not kill her!" She shouted, before beginning to laugh. "But I really don't think you'll be able to take me down..."

"We'll see..." The two princesses spoke in sync.

Without any warning the villains would attack. Cinderella would wave her hands, causing all the mirrors around the room to crack. The glass would float towards the blonde princess, hovering around her. As she did that, the Chinese princess would jump into action. Running over to the hero, she'd instantly wrap one of her legs around the Duchess suit before throwing the wearer onto the floor. 

Grunting in pain, the heroine would lift herself up. Aiming her palm towards Mulan, she would shoot a beam of energy directly at her. As she did, the villain would roll out of the way with a giggle. Getting onto her feet, Duchess would turn to Cinderella. As she did, the villainess would shoot her array of shards towards their target. Smashing against the hero's suit, she'd be forced into a wall. The glass tore up the wall around her as she slumped to the floor.

Jumping into the air, Mulan would land down on Disney's helmet. Stomping it with both her feet, Belle got seriously injured. Her nose would begin to bleed as she struggled to stand up.  Coughing slightly, she would again be met with a barrage of glass shards. Smashing against her suit, the force would send her back into the same wall.

Laying on the floor injured, Disney found herself unable to move. The two villainesses would stand over the hero, laughing amongst themselves. Walking over to Disney, Mr P would look down at her. Shaking his head, he would sigh.

"What a shame, Belle..." He continued to shake his head. "I had such high hopes for you!"

Raising his staff, he'd smack it with a hard force onto Disney's helmet. Falling unconscious, the three villains would chuckle. Turning towards a window, Mr P would walk over to it. Staring outside, the man would  think to himself.

"Everything okay?" Mulan asked as she helped Cinderella tie up the hero.

Mr P would shake his head.

"Take her to holding..." He spoke. "I need to have a chat with a certain doctor..."

Back inside Doctor Disney's laboratory, the doctor would still be sat at his PC. Watching a camera feed from Disney Duchess's suit, the doctor would gasp.

"I'm coming Belle..."

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