[19] ● The Woman ●

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The next morning Lois was woken by what was now the normal sound of a rooster's call from the barn, instead of the hustle and bustle of city life.

Three birds chirped at her window covered in a black coloured soot that made their once white coats dirtied with the spoils of the world.

And a yellow rock Clark had made her shove in her bag before running downstairs.

Exclamation to -

"Get that to your dad for me" While walking down the stairs.

Lois didn't know how she felt about carrying a substance that John Henry had theorised had a part in Mark Johnson's death but zipped up her purse nonetheless and shook off her negative thoughts.

Upon making her way down stairs Lois was met with a half put together burnt couch that she looked at in pain.

'Hopefully Jordan's powers don't cause the whole house to claps in on itself next'

And the dazzled look that had passed over one of her sons faces.

Jonathan being the son in question looked as though something or someone.

Lois thought had taken up an abnormal amount of space in the boy's mind as he appeared to float through his morning routine.

Lois had to remind him to stop and eat breakfast before he left the house.

"Jonathan, are you going to have breakfast before you Leave?" Lois's question was more of an order than a question.

As the boys had football practice after school again, and couldn't afford to be lacking in nutrition.

Jonathan didn't reply, instead turning his way into the kitchen from where his place was at the front door, kicking his shoes off as he went.

That wasn't the only unordinary thing that was happening that morning.

When Jordan, who was animatedly talking with Clark in the kitchen was shooting, obviously glances at Jonathan from behind a piece of toast sniggering to himself.

Lois looking to Jonathan from where he was hurriedly ploughing through his food could see Clark in the boy's face.

His upturned brow.

Slightly squinted mouth.

It reminded Lois of when she was fresh faced and young, smoothed of all age but still an established face

In the daily planet.

Stern and headstrong with a bumbling young Clark at her heels.

Looking back it had been so clear that the Clark had liked her; it made Lois kind of ashamed to call herself a reporter for not seeing it sooner.

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