[06] ● ☆ Fallout ●

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Lois could tell something was up with both Jonathan and Clark.

From the moment that Jonathan came home that night, not having spoken more than a few words to her, to wrapped up in his own head to talk.

Lois knew her detective like prying, would do her son no good, knowing this Lois wanted to wait for Jorden to get home.

He had gone over to Sarah's house to 'study', Lois expecting the issue to be between her twins and not to involve there father, didn't think to ask why Jonathan had not come home with his father.

So when Clark had come home and found his wife in there kitchen, his face pinched in worry, Lois had abandoned her hope that Jonathan's already bad mood had been worsened by Jorden.

When Lois had asked Clark what was wrong, Clark sighed and went on to say.

"I just wanted to know what was wrong" Lois knowing that wasn't the end of it pressed on.


"I don't ask" Clark looked stressed, his hands clutching at the kitchen side table.

"About?" Lois eyes squinted in consured walking over to Clark, her hands resting on his.

Clark, who had stopped talking to hear Lois, had continued on as if he hadn't hered her,to wrapped in his own head to take notice, to her words.

"He had these drawings ... Lois ... hundreds off the same thing, I didn't get a chance to see what it said ... before ... he found me"

"You went though Jonathan's stuff"

"I didn't mean it, ... it just happen ... It was like one moment I was outside on the football pitch the next I had my hand in Jonathan's bag"

Lois, who had taken notice of Jonathan's reserved behaviour over the last coming week had already known of his writing exploits having found crumpled paper in one of Jonathan's pockets.

When she had taking in his washing Jonathan's chicken scratch handwriting, hardly legible.

She hadn't known what they had said at the time, just attributing the discarded notes as something as simple as a to-do list or the first draft of some homework, not putting much thought to it at the time - now knowing, however that whatever was written wasn't meant to be seen

"Something going on with him"

"I know"

"He won't even look at me, now"

"Well apologising to him would be a good start ..."


Clark thought it would be easy, Jonathan always having been a forgiving child, however his attempts at gaining Jonathan's favour again were futile.

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