S/O who likes to do karaoke

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·       Gonna be real, David strikes me as the “If you try and get me to sing, I am disowning you,” type.

·       That doesn't mean that he won’t watch you sing -he lives with Paul for christ sake! No one's gonna tell me that Paul doesn't sing along to stuff all of the time. Although without a doubt tour singing can't be worse than Paul's.

·       Will make requests for you before you go up.

·       If you or the karaoke dj asks him if he wants to go up he will literally give off a dead stare.


·       Dwayne also strikes me as the, “If you make me sing, I am disowning you,” type. In most situations excluding being by himself, watching Laddie or being along with you/laddie- will you ever catch him singing.

·       Will of course support you.

·       Any ass decides to heckle your performance will swiftly be pulled outside or perhaps never see the end of the night if they go too far. Dwayne doesn't take too kindly at all to anyone who is rude to you. Its probably the only time you see him break his calm and cool demeanor in public.

·       Dwayne personally prefers a more private show- singing softly as you go about your night.  


·       Down with anything but would likely not sing with you.

·       He likes it when you sing raunchy songs especially when you make a show of eye fucking him on stage.

·       Be warned if you get embarrassed because he will whoop and start clapping to the beat just to see your cheeks glow.


·       King of karaoke. No seriously. Paul sometimes used to do karaoke in the seedy parts of town for fun and for easy food. Or a good fuck- you never really know what kinda day it is with Paul let alone vibe.

·       Sings mainly rock songs however.... wanna sing a duet? One he knows tho otherwise you’re gonna get an almost robotic performance and it is not on purpose. Try reading while trying to keep a tone whilst being perpetually stoned/smashed- ain't easy!

·       Sometimes Paul will take things a bit too far on stage under the guise of “showing you off,” when the arm around your shoulder plays with the hem of your shirt or when he deliberately stares at you when he sings some raunchy lines.

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