Marko's Zoo

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Each nook and cranny, whether dusty, dirty or cold, housed a living creature. The birds took the beams above, overlooking the old ruins and their occupants. They tolerated the very few fruit bats hanging nearby, a sharp irony considering the not so human occupants sleeping tucked away. The pigeons perched regally above on the wood and scrap metal, some making cosy little nests with the twigs and substitute scrap down below. Others preferred to sleep closer to their favourite person. There he was! The figure down below with curled blond locks resembling hay or straw stretched below them with a yawn. Then they heard the loud noise form the other who they didn’t like quite as much. In particular the loud, twitch one with long blond hair that wasn’t quite like their master's.

A pigeon with grey feathers and a missing left eye immediately darted down and onto the leather gloved perch that was his owner's hand.

The pigeon tilted his head when Marko greeted him with a pleased “Morning Polo.” His other hand reached over to pet behind the bird’s head and scratch at just the right place.

Marko smirked as Polo leaned into his touch. All of his animals were so nice to him and all it took was years of giving them small scraps form takeaways and nights of basic training. Now he really had to improvise with some of the creatures they shared the cave with but it was worth it. David allowed him to house more as long as they were trained and out of the way. They also came with another benefit: daytime protection.

The racoons took a darker and smaller tunnel and showed their appearance with unwavering and ominous, glowing eyes. By their little domain sat the cave’s few snakes who curled and slithered around the piles of rock and sticks. It was a manmade structure that kept them interested enough not to wander too far and certainly not to try and hurt anyone the other smaller occupants.

The boom box interrupted any kind of peace already achieved and that was when they knew it was close to feeding time. Marko had trained them upon waking, they would expect to be fed within an hour and it was usually when he did a food run or in some cases where he brought a dead body back for something more filling minus the blood. They couldn’t argue, they had no voices after all but the showed their affection in other ways.

Polo just happened to be nipping and leaning into the fingers scratching him in just the right place. His fluffy head was rubbing against his owner gently, a sign of affection. Hopefully his owner also didn’t notice that he would need a dreaded bath anytime soon. Polo hated the monthly baths.

“You sure you ain't a Disney princess, bud? Paul joked and watched as Marko looked up from the pigeon on his arm with a scowl.

“No.” Marko admittedly saw a little resemblance but there were a few big differences. 1. Vampire. 2. Marko is not dainty in the slightest. 3. His animals aren’t just for show, they kill too. 4. Marko is the dragon of the tower, the wicked witch, evil stepmother... despite his angelic appearance people still forgot about that sometimes.

Paul continued to poke at him and his appearance until Marko shut him up. No one makes fun of his animals, not even his brothers.

“Dude, my racoons could kick your ass.”

As if for back up, the glowing eyes opened in numerous pairs in the dark crack in which they lived.

“Yikes! Man they’re creepy dude.”

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