Yandere Alphabet - The Lost Boys + Michael & Star E - W

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I am a little tease so I've decided to release up until the last three.

[Warnings: Creepy stalker behaviour, violence, implied sexual stuff, extreme dub con and straight up non con, sweary words.]

Read at your own risk

Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?

David: At first, none whatsoever however, that doesn't mean he isn't the littlest bit soft when you're the only one around but after you turn you may begin to see him open up just a little bit.

Dwayne: Dwayne would answer some of your questions and avoid others he thinks aren't necessary for you to know.

Marko: Marko is a revolving door so whilst he may tell you one thing, you don't really know if he's telling the truth or not and part of you may not even believe his "deep," conversations with you.

Paul: His undead heart was yours the moment he saw you and ofcourse the second thing Paul likes to do aside from smoke, is talk your ear off- the contents however are relatively vague just incase he figured you get any ideas.

Michael: Yep, the way he sees it, he has you and you aren't going anywhere, so what better to do than make you see him as a person and not a kidnapper?

Star: Would playfully change the subject, she's not shy but there are some things she is just not too comfortable with answering, any thing else? Sure.

Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?

David: Nothing, as he knows you'll soon regret those actions when he announces the consequences.

Dwayne: Upset but he hides it well.

Marko: Simultaneously amused yet frustrated.

Paul: High amused, playful but then annoyed if you keep it up for too long.

Michael: The situation makes him feel like he's in another world, why would you fight him if he was just looking out for you? Needless to say, he's a bit upset in a dissapponted way.

Star: Anxious.

Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?

David: Fuck no, David hates it and whilst he is a bit of a sadist, it just makes your unsuccessful attempts sting when he mentions them.

Dwayne: Not a game but he figures why not let you have your tantrums? It's not as if he took precautions or anything.

Marko: Will make a full on game of it and would keep tally marks of your attempts scratched into the wall, it's not a game until it becomes a game.

Paul: Another who would see it as a game, he might even give you a head start like Marko does, but rest assured after the last time you almost got out, Paul tends to get you before you can even reach the lobby. 

Michael: Absolutely not a game, he doesn't like that you try to leave but what else is he to do but lock you in your room until he calms down.

Star: No, she freaks out if you try and escape, it feels like a betrayal and she will let you know as much when you realize it is futile.

Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?

David: Turning and it came straight from the source too, no nice bottle or cup. The more you fight, the more last minute the process would be. David wants to change you in a heartbeat but if you resist, and put up a fight? Well guess you don't get the luxury of being tricked by "wine," no. He would  crush you to his chest and tear open his wrist before shoving it into your mouth until you eventually swallow.

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