Chapter 20

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The power of nature, the reward given by the panel when he had saved the clivia; Lu Lingxi had explored it for a long time, trying to figure out what exactly the power of nature was. He did not expect to discover the use of the power of nature at this time.

Facing the prompt on the panel, Lu Lingxi did not immediately make a choice. Did he want to save it? Of course he did, but he did not dare to save it now. He didn't know how the panel would save it, and in case there was too much commotion and the wild spring orchid was saved in front of everyone, he would probably be dragged off to be studied as a monster.

As he hesitated, the old men squatting on the ground picked and chose and took away a few plants that did not appear to be completely "dead". They didn't pick up the orchid with the broken roots, obviously not hopeful that it could be saved at all.

Su Weizheng also knelt down to pick it up with interest, and while doing so, he said to Lu Lingxi, "Don't look at some of these flowers that look like they are dying. They can be saved if they are lucky enough to meet an expert. Come and take a look at them too, some of them are really pitiful."

Lu Lingxi obediently squatted beside Su Weizheng, keeping his attention on the spring orchid with broken roots.

Su Weizheng quickly noticed Lu Lingxi's gaze and smiled, "What? Xiao Lu wants to try?"

Lu Lingxi nodded and carefully picked up the spring orchid.

Orchids are plants with tenacious vitality, and sometimes they can grow new roots even after their roots are broken. But this orchid looked drooping, otherwise the guys before him wouldn't have left it behind without picking it up. But Lu Lingxi was young and vigorous; Su Weizheng looked at him as if he were his own grandchild. At this time he would not say anything to pour cold water on him. Instead, he joked, "Xiao Lu has ambition. If you bring this spring orchid back to life, you must let the old man take a good look at it, I will also learn from it."

Lu Lingxi nodded seriously. With the panel's tips, it should definitely be possible to raise it.

Because of this spring orchid, Lu Lingxi's attention was no longer on the flower market, and he just thought about going back as soon as possible to save the spring orchid. But Su Weizheng had asked him to come to the flower market and they were only halfway through, so Lu Lingxi was too embarrassed to say he was leaving now. Su Weizheng noticed what he was thinking and suggested with a smile that the two of them should stop here for today. He was getting old and could not walk anymore, so they could continue next time.

Lu Lingxi was a little embarrassed, "Grandpa Su..."

Su Weizheng smiled, "Go, go. I can catch up with Su Lang if I go back now. If that brat didn't go out, I'll bring him some breakfast."

Lu Lingxi had not thought of Su Lang for a while and always thought that Su Lang returned to Zhongjing. It was a bit strange. "Dr. Su did not return to Zhongjing?"

Su Weizheng shook his head, "The brat resigned. Now he's joined some kind of volunteer organisation for leukaemia and is out running around every day without coming home." Although his tone seemed to be complaining, Su Weizheng was actually quite happy in his heart. In the past, when Su Lang was in Zhongjing, the two of them would not see each other more than a few times a year. Now Su Lang stayed in Fengcheng; although he ran outside every day, he had to go home late at night, so they could see each other almost every day.

"Resigned?" Lu Lingxi heard that Grandpa Su was quite satisfied with Su Lang's current job, but he wondered why Su Lang had resigned. The Lu family was so powerful that when he and his brother were first hospitalised, the hospital had specially arranged a team of experts to be in charge of his brother's treatment throughout the whole process. Su Lang was one of these experts. Lu Lingxi had heard the little nurse mention in private that although Su Lang was young, he had experience studying abroad and was highly valued by the hospital, one of the hospital's key targets for training. Arranging him into the expert group was also to pave the way for future development. Why should he resign with such a good future?

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