Chapter 14

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The summer rain stops as quickly as it starts.

The wounds on the big dog's body had not been treated yet when the rain outside had already stopped.

The anaesthesia took effect, the big dog fell asleep, and Lu Lingxi was free to go. Dong Zhi took the time to instruct him to be careful on his way back. Lu Lingxi shook his head, not intending to leave halfway. He wanted to wait until the end of the treatment to ask about the big dog's condition. When he had just touched the big dog, all he could feel was the thin, bony body under his palm and obvious scars in a few places. He had never seen a stray dog before, and although he wasn't so naive as to think that all dogs were as shiny and smooth as the golden retriever kept in the Lu family's main residence, he had never expected it to be this thin and bony to the touch. In order not to add to the mess, Lu Lingxi quietly took a few steps back and stood right next to Yan Yue.

From Yan Yue's point of view, the young man's appearance was on the delicate side, and his slender figure was a bit thin. Because it was summer, the teenager had a light blue t-shirt on, and his short black hair was falling softly, making his exposed neck look even more delicate and white.

When the boy was far away, Yan Yue didn't feel it, but now that he was closer, Yan Yue felt that there was something comforting in the boy's presence. As he just stood quietly by Yan Yue's side like this, the violent emotions Yan Yue had been suppressing inside seemed to calm down. He couldn't help but want to get closer to the teenager, closer still.

As the thought flashed through his mind, Yan Yue was shocked to realise that he had actually taken a step in the teenager's direction. The moment he returned to his senses, a hint of embarrassment flashed in Yan Yue's eyes and he retreated back to his original position quietly.

His movement caught Lu Lingxi's attention; Lu Lingxi turned his head in confusion and smiled at Yan Yue.

The young man's smile was so clean and clear that it was like a ray of sunshine shining into Yan Yue's heart. Yan Yue recalled the young man smiling and petting the big dog, and that crazy thought stirred up in his mind again. His eyes darkened and he turned away expressionlessly, leaving the boy with the sight of his cold profile.

Lu Lingxi: "......"

"Alright!" Dong Zhi's voice re-captured Lu Lingxi's attention. He wiped his sweat and nodded in the direction of Lu Lingxi and Yan Yue. "The wound is treated. It should be fine after a few days of recuperation."

Lu Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to the operating table, asking, "When will it wake up?"

What the young nurse brought to Dong Zhi was a strong anaesthetic, and the anaesthetic effect would last at least 12 hours. Dong Zhi calculated the time, which was about the time the pet shop would open tomorrow. "Around eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Lu Lingxi asked, "Can it eat meat buns?"

There was a breakfast shop at the entrance of the neighbourhood that had delicious meat buns. Wang Shuxiu had bought them a few times and Lu Lingxi soon fell in love with the taste.

Dong Zhi laughed, "Stray dogs eat everything."

After answering Lu Lingxi's question, Dong Zhi turned to Yan Yue and said sincerely, "Thank you, sir."

With the dog's injury, had Yan Yue not rescued it, on the rainy day, it would probably have been hit a second time because it could hardly move around. Yan Yue's actions could be said to have saved the dog's life.

"No need." Yan Yue's tone was concise as he took out some cash from his wallet and handed it over, "This is the cost of the treatment and the follow-up expenses for the next few days." After saying that, he handed over a business card, "Call me if you don't have enough money." When he was talking to Dong Zhi, his eyes always were following the teenager inadvertently, but the boy was busy grooming the big dog's tangled fur together with the two young nurses and didn't pay any attention to him. Yan Yue felt a little uncomfortable again.

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