Chapter 1

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"Dr. Liu, the patient has lost his vital signs."

"Prepare for electroshock."

"Wait, the vital signs have reappeared."

"Beep... beep... beep..."

"What's the blood pressure?"


"What's the pulse?"


"The patient has been stabilised, continue the operation."

The strange dialogue sounded vaguely in his ears, and Lu Lingxi opened his hazy eyes, seeing in a daze the dazzling light above his head. He moved his head slightly; it was so heavy that he could only tilt it in small increments, indistinctly seeing the overlapping figures around him.

Where is this?

Lu Lingxi thought blankly, struggling to open his eyes to see his surroundings clearly. His vision was blurred and he strained to blink his eyes as bits of memory flashed back; yes, this was a hospital. He was undergoing surgery; his brother's health had gone wrong again. The doctor said his brother had acute kidney failure and he, as his brother's HLA match, was the best candidate for transplantation.

Lu Lingxi closed his eyes, and the image of his mother clutching his hand and crying seemed to be right in front of him.

"Xiao Xi, your brother's condition is getting worse. You are the only one who can save him, you will save him, won't you?"

His father stood behind his mother, the expression on his face obscure and complicated. He looked at his father and then at his mother and nodded obediently.

"Good boy! Good boy!"

There was a sudden glint in his mother's eyes and she hugged him as hard as a drowning man clinging to the last piece of driftwood. He nestled quietly in his mother's arms, as he had every time in the past when his brother's health had gone wrong and he had been required to lie on the operating table. He was the good boy his mother said he was; the reason he existed was for his brother, and he had always known it.

Lu Lingxi was born into the Lu family in Zhongjing eighteen years ago. His father, Lu Guangjing, was the youngest son of the Lu family, and his mother, Li Caiying, was the eldest daughter of the Li family. The two were talented and beautiful, and countless people were envious of the marriage between the Lu and the Li families. But how could there be perfection in this world? Lu Wei'an, the first child of Lu Guangjing and Li Caiying, was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukaemia when he was seven years old. When the initial test results came back, Lu Wei'an's condition was still in the chronic stage. Lu Guangjing and Li Caiying took Lu Wei'an to doctors all over the world, but the only treatment available was allogeneic transplantation.

The chronic phase of myeloid leukaemia had a duration of 3-4 years, which was enough time for the Lu family to find a suitable donor for Lu Wei'an. However, instead of a blood unrelated donor, the doctor suggested that Lu Guangjing and Li Caiying should have another child and use the newborn's umbilical cord blood to extract stem cells to help Lu Wei'an. What the doctor said was very practical. Even if Lu Wei'an's transplantation was successful, there was no guarantee that he would not relapse in the future. The relapse rate of leukaemia after successful transplantation was very high, and instead of having to search for a suitable donor every time, taking into account that such a donor might happen not to be found, it was the best option for them to have another child. On the advice of the doctor, Lu Guangjing and Li Caiying used a sophisticated gene matching technology to conceive and give birth to Lu Lingxi, a perfect genetic match for Lu Wei'an.

From the day he was born, Lu Lingxi lived for his brother Lu Wei'an. He was his brother's shadow, his brother's "medicine reserve bank", umbilical cord blood, stem cells, bone marrow... as long as his brother needed it, he would quietly lie on the operating table. Until this time...

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