Chapter 16

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Lao Han left with his precious clivia, thanking and praising Lu Lingxi profusely for his ability to save a plant from certain death. Du Lin used to be good at raising flowers and was already well known in the neighbourhood. When Lao Han advertised what happened, people found out that Lu Lingxi was from Tiny Garden, and in less than two days he became famous among the flower lovers around the street.

Everyone knew that the new boy from Tiny Garden was a good person, and that he was good at raising flowers. Passers-by were attracted by the pots of begonias at the door of Tiny Garden that were blooming very vigorously, and if you went inside the store to take a look, you would be reluctant to leave. The flowers and plants inside were really good. The leaves were emerald green and the flowers were beautiful. The whole shop was full of greenery and the air was fresher than outside. If you stayed there for a long time, it seemed that even the fatigue of the day was gone.

These words were not an exaggeration. The few regular customers who came to the shop often obviously noticed the difference. The same calla lilies that Lu Lingxi took care of grew better than theirs at home. They used to come in when Du Lin was here, but they didn't notice such a difference. How to describe it? The flowers and plants raised by Xiao Xi were full of positive vitality. Because of this vitality, the whole shop had a different feel. When you spent a lot of time in the shop, you were really at peace and felt that all the bad things were gone.

When Dong Zhi was telling Lu Lingxi about these rumours, Lu Lingxi could not help but blush. His face was hot and he looked embarrassed by the compliments. Dong Zhi held back his laughter; Lu Lingxi was really tender-faced, and no matter whether he was complimented or teased, the child would easily blush. When he was done, Dong Zhi patted him on the shoulder and deliberately made a serious face, saying, "Young man, you have a future. Do well."

Lu Lingxi nodded earnestly.

When Dong Zhi looked at him, he found Lu Lingxi's seriousness very cute. The child really listened to his casual words. By all accounts, Dong Zhi was almost a decade older than Lu Lingxi and always unconsciously treated the boy as a junior in need of care. He really didn't know what kind of family could raise such a well-behaved and obedient child. Dong Zhi had heard Lu Lingxi mention Wang Shuxiu a few times, and at that moment he was in awe of Wang Shuxiu, whom he had never met. A woman who supported a family and raised Lu Lingxi so well must have been dignified, generous, reasonable and extremely virtuous.

After sighing in his heart for a long time, Dong Zhi remembered something, "By the way, you can take Dahei home today."

"Really?" Lu Lingxi said in surprise.

Dong Zhi nodded. Dahei's injuries almost healed, so there was nothing wrong with him as long as you were a bit careful. Dahei was also used to the unrestrained life outside, and now that he was locked up in a cage all day, Dahei's temper was very irritable. Only when Lu Lingxi was feeding him was he a bit more docile, but the rest of the time Dahei scared the other pets that came to the pet shop. Dong Zhi was so disturbed by him that he couldn't wait for Lu Lingxi to take him away.

Lu Lingxi often heard Dahei's barking from across the road and naturally knew how helpless Dong Zhi was against Dahei. It was strange to say that; Dahei was just an ordinary dog, not very big, and thin and bony because of the long life of wandering, but he was very strong. Yesterday, a St. Bernard dog came to the pet shop. Perhaps Dahei felt provoked and confronted it. Dong Zhi hurriedly intervened to stop them, afraid that Dahei would suffer. As a result, before he could do anything about it, Dahei arched his back and roared, and the St. Bernard turned around and ran away. When Dong Zhi and Lu Lingxi talked about it, they felt a bit incredulous.

Because he had to take Dahei home in the evening, Lu Lingxi was very motivated to pack up his things and get ready to leave work. Dong Zhi kindly gave him a leash and a dog muzzle for Dahei. Even if Dahei didn't bite, with a muzzle at least everyone would be more at ease.

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