Chapter 12

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As the darkness faded and the morning light broke, the city that had slept all night began to wake up. Yan Yue extinguished the cigarette in his hand and took a comfortable bath. At six o'clock, he appeared in the dining room downstairs fully dressed.

In the dining room, Yan Yue's grandfather, Yin Yongde, was already sitting at the table. Yin Yongde was a white-haired old man, hale and hearty. Perhaps because he was getting older and sleeping less and less, he got up at five o'clock every day. He did some boxing and raised flowers, and had breakfast at six sharp.

"Ah Yue, how was your sleep?" Yin Yongde asked kindly.

The corners of Yan Yue's mouth curved at just the right angle, "Very good."

Yin Yongde smiled and gestured at Yan Yue to sit down beside him.

"Ah Yue, what are your plans for today? If you don't have any plans, you can accompany me, an old man, for a walk in the morning, and in the afternoon your mother will come over and we'll have a meal together."

"Okay." Yan Yue's expression remained the same, not even the curve of his mouth changed.

Yin Yongde looked at him and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. From the beginning to the end, Yan Yue's smile was impeccable, but he did not see the slightest hint of joy in Yan Yue's eyes. With a silent sigh, he said nothing and easily moved to the topic of breakfast.

The place where Yin Yongde lived was located near Fenghuang Mountain Park in Fengcheng, and he liked to go climb Fenghuang Mountain when he had nothing to do. Since they were going to climb the mountain, the shirt and pants Yan Yue was wearing would not be appropriate. After breakfast Yan Yue went back to his room to change his clothes, while Yin Yongde waited in the courtyard, bending down to look at his precious . The housekeeper came over and handed the phone to Yin Yongde, whispering, "It's Young Lady."

The young lady the butler spoke of was none other than Yan Yue's mother and Yin Yongde's only daughter, Yin Qinglan. Hearing that it was his daughter's phone call, Yin Yongde picked it up.

"Why are you so early today?" Yin Yongde smiled.

"Dad." Although Yin Qinglan was now nearly fifty years old, she still behaved like a little daughter in front of Yin Yongde, "Have you mentioned to Ah Yue about dinner together tonight?"

Hearing the eagerness in Yin Qinglan's tone, Yin Yongde thought that his daughter was concerned about his grandson, so he felt comforted and said in a softer tone, "Yes, I did."

"Then, what about Xiao Ya?"

Yin Yongde's face sank, "You're bringing Xiao Ya along?"

"Dad, Xiao Ya is also your granddaughter, you..."

Yin Yongde interrupted her words with suppressed anger, "I didn't say that Xiao Ya was not my granddaughter. But Ah Yue is here, Xiao Ya should not be brought here. Alright, this matter is settled."

Yin Yongde hung up the phone and sighed helplessly; when he turned his head, Yan Yue was standing behind him.

"Ah Yue?"

Yan Yue looked as if he hadn't heard anything, his expression as usual. Yin Yongde looked at Yan Yue hesitantly, trying to say something, but in the end, under Yan Yue's eyes that seemed to understand everything, he couldn't say a word.

The Yin and the Yan families were a mess.

More than twenty years ago, the Yin and the Yan families joined in marriage and the Yin family's only daughter married the Yan family's only son. Yin Yongde had only one daughter, and all of the family's wealth was used as a dowry. The Yin family's company was logically merged into the Yan family, and together they formed Hopewell Group. The two families agreed that the future heir to Hopewell Group could only be the child of Yin Qinglan and Yan Shihui.

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