Dont be afraid...

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The night was rough for you especially on these late nights Zhongli had to work longer at the funeral parlor. Tonight in particular was so stormy, lighting and thunder crashed down around your home and you just lay in bed trying to sleep and you couldn't....
Barely into deep sleep you kept awaking to every crash of thunder and every strike of lightning and you ran out into your living room and hid under the covers on your couch....
You began to tear hoping that zhongli would come home soon..
The door suddenly cracked open and you ran into zhongli's arms.
"Darling! Your finally home!" You wiped your tears along his jacket.
"Y/n? What's the matter?"
You pointed outside and held him tight-
"Your scared of the weather oh dear come here" he held you near and sat you down on his lap on the floor and held you till you got comfortable.
Zhongli drowned out the sounds with his calming words and you drifted off to sleep knowing who was next to you keeping you safe untill dawn....

~Golden sunset's zhongli x reader~Where stories live. Discover now