For me? Zhongli x fem reader...

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You are just a normal traveler visiting liyue for the first time...
You didn't expect the city to be so big from the storys you have heard you admire the archon of liyue...
You have heard of his name and heard the tales through storytelling and if you were lucky you would stumble by a humble man named zhongli...
You walk past the funeral parlor to see a tall man with a long ponytail walking your way
You stop in your tracks and stare into his eyes till he looks at you and starts walking to you....

hello miss... he called out to you~
O-oh hello you are?
I am zhongli i work at the funeral parlor how about you?
Oh im Y/n L/n
Pleased to meet you would you care to walk with me?
Ofc! I m-ean yes...
Well you seem nervous anything on your mind?
Oh nothing just this city is alot bigger than I thought-
Well how about i show you around?
~time skip~
Woww- thank you mr.zhongli that was a good tour now I understand everything about this city...
Your welcome y/n *he gave you a quick peck on your cheek*
Oh my- what did i do for that...
Well actually before you head off i wanted to ask you something-
*he takes your hand and drags you off to a cliff that overlooks all of liyue*
Wow- this view is amazing
Zhongli pulls out a bundle of glaze Lillys and hands them to you...
These are for you my lady
(Your heart was falling for a man you hardly even knew, oh how you felt so carefree around him)
You smiled and held the flowers close and turned to watch the setting sun
These flowers did you pick them for me?
Yes my lady *zhongli gently gives your hand a kiss*
They reminded me of your beauty
And in that moment he wraps his arms around your waist making you turn into a heated red blush
He whispers these words into your ear making your heart so happy
*you lean into his embrace and he lifts your chin and he kisses you passionately*
Who could have thought? At the end of the day during my first day in liyue harbor i met a good friend and i think my forever partner....
*you and zhongli passionately kissed under the diamond sky together*
In that moment you two knew how much the world made you for each other
You guys felt that you have known each other for so long even if this was love at first sight you knew how much you loved this man...
Credits to the artist: @kicky1912 on twitter <33
Hope you enjoyed this one! I really got
the feels to start writing this for my bestii <3

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