Pass Before My Eyes {22}

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You stare at Kakashi with huge eyes and feel your face, immediately retreating your shaking hands when you still feel blood. "I-I'm scared." You admit to him.

He shakes his head. "N-no! Don't be! You have the Sharingan." He says while still looking at you with a face full of shock.

You crease your brows. "W-what?"

It doesn't take long for him to realize that you don't know what he's talking about. So he takes your forehead protector off of your forehead and faces it toward you, allowing you to use the metal as a makeshift mirror.

When you see that your iris are red and your pupils are... not normal... you gasp and look up at him. "W-my eyes?!" You exclaim in horror.

Kakashi sees your fear and shakes his head quickly. "Y/N! You're fine, it's not bad." He attempts to calm you down but it doesn't work. When you continue to ramble on and freak out, he simply rips off his Leaf forehead protector and opens his left eye, revealing his own Sharingan.

Once you see his eye, not only are you full of questions, but you finally stop rambling and take a deep breath. But then your breath hitches and disgust approaches your expression.

Kakashi watches your facial expression change and he's surprised. Usually you're extremely monotone, and your face is stoic besides small movements of your eyebrows and mouth.

But now you're extremely expressive, not an ounce of confusion.

"Does that mean..." You mumble. "...we are... relate-"

"NO!" He interrupts with a quick yell. He then repeats that word over and over again while shaking his head.

You nod and an odd sense of relief fills you up. Kakashi watches your face go back to the blank expression you always carry and looks deeply into your eyes, which are still red and black. "You do know what this means, though. Right?"

You shake your head.

The man looks down at the boy between the two of you and then back to you. You look down as well and see that he is breathing, which makes you extremely relieved.

Thief of the Clan ➪ 𝘬. 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 [lemons]Where stories live. Discover now