Bear the Risk of Hatred {21}

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Your eyes fall onto four familiar hair colors and your feet speed up as you walk toward them. The one that sees you first says nothing and simply starts walking toward you quickly and silently.

"Hello, Sasuke." You greet in the middle with a straight face, despite how horribly anxious you are.

He looks down and sees you holding your hands behind your back. And so, he looks at you with slightly widened eyes. "Is everything okay, Sensei?"

You nod. "Yes." Without waiting, you walk toward the rest of Team 7 and they all turn to face you, Naruto lighting up and skipping your way.

"Heya! We finally found the guy after forever! And guess what! I was the one that found him!" He gloats. You smile with only your eyes and raise your hand to his face, placing it beneath his chin and caressing his skin. "Good job, Naruto."

It'd be a damned lie to say you don't have a soft spot for this boy. He single-handedly put your anxiety on hold with his simple, sun-filled smile.

But of course, he can also be the cause of your anxiety. It is Naruto, of course.

His face heats up and his head goes limp in your hold. You remove it once Kakashi walks up and the boy falls to the floor, still steaming while Sakura rolls her eyes.

"How did it go?" Kakashi asks with slightly wide eyes. Your stomach drops and your anxious feeling comes back as you refuse eye contact. "It was fine."

Saying finding the code was 'fine' is a complete lie. It wasn't fine. It was the opposite of fine.

It was horrible.

He squints his eyes. "Y/N, how did it go?" He repeats. You look at him and slightly furrow your brows. "As I just said. It was fine."

The three children watch in slight discomfort. Naruto peers in and looks at both of you. "You guys argue so much. Like an old married coup-" Before he can finish what he's about to say, Sasuke butts in. "Shut up, Naruto."

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