neuf: the story

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"the story"

Johnny and Annie were currently in an ice cream shack. It was a small, aesthetic one and was built on the beach. They were sitting down, licking their ice cream every now and then, having small conversations.

Johnny kept in mind to not keep asking about her tattoo because he didn't want to force it out of her.

"So," she took a deep breath, "About my tattoo"

The mood in the atmosphere changed. Not for the good but at the same time not for the bad.

Johnny took the last spoon of his ice cream before setting it aside. "Yeah," he said, encouraging her to start.

She let out a breath, "It was the first of October 2015, my older brothers, Caleb's, birthday." She started. "But." She paused, "it was also the he passed away."

The look on Johnny's face changed, his face softened. "I'm sorry."
He said softly, putting his hand on hers.

"We were all going to his birthday party and while we were going he got into a car crash." She said. "I saw his car tumble six times in front of me."  Her voice was beyond soft.

His thumb traced circles on her hand as he continued to listen.

"it was the worst day of my life. I always blamed it on myself because I rushed him out because I wanted to eat ice cream." She smiled faintly. "If we left a minute late that would've never happened." She sighed.

"It's not your fault Annie. Absolutely not." He consoled the poor girl.

"That's not it." She bit her lip. "That's day everything started fucking falling apart." She said, some sort of frustration in her voice.

"My dad started got drunk every night. He started fighting with my mom. So she came here, leaving me alone there. I was just thirteen."

He nodded letting her continue.

"Then, he- he..started getting abusive." She said to which Johnny's eyes widened a little.

"What an asshole." Johnny mumbled.

"It started to get worse, so I called my mom, told her I was coming here and ran away from there." Annie said.

"You deserve so much better Annie." He looked at her with soft eyes, then squeezed her hand.

There was a sad look on her face, "Even though that day was the worst day of my life. It made into the person I am today and I don't want that to change." She said and shook her head. "I got that tattoo to remind me everything happens for a reason." She said intertwining their hand together.

"Your so strong Annie." He whispered wiping of the little tear drop on Annie's cheek with his spare hand.

"I'm sorry." She said removing her hands and rubbing her eyes. "I- got a little too vulnerable." She chuckled sarcastically.

"Don't be afraid to be vulnerable around me Annie," He smiled.

"I'm always there." He said softly. "For you"

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