Chapter 6

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Bella's pov :

I couldn't believe it. Did I just say yes to being his girlfriend? Why haven't I ever noticed my feelings for him? Why didn't I ever realize it? What is happening? I like him but how come I never noticed?
There were so many questions going on in my mind right now but I couldn't get answers. I was just focused on this handsome young man in front of me.

I'm in a relationship with my school's bad boy and I never realized when I started falling for him too. I'm down bad. My cheeks are aching from all the smiling. All this is so surreal. I can't believe this. I have a boyfriend! I know I backslided but my feelings got in the way.

"Bella? Are you okay? Are you changing your mind? Did I pressure you? Please don't tell me you accepted due to my offer. Bella-" Henry looked so nervous as we held hands. I was sitting close to him leaning my head on his shoulder. I felt so nervous and jiggy because this is literally the first time I'm doing this with a guy who is not my brother.

"Henry calm down. I'm not changing my mind. My decision is final. You didn't pressure me" I told him softly. He smiled at me and kissed my left cheek.
"Thank you Bella"
"You're welcome"
"So what now?" He asked
"Uhmm, I really don't know Henry. I'm kinda new in this relationship thing so I don't know how it works"

Henry looked at me in utter shock "you've never had a boyfriend before? Are you really serious?"
"Yes Henry, I'm serious. I've never had a boyfriend in my life. I think I've told you this before haven't I?"
"I can't remember but that's really amazing. You're a really reserved person" I giggled
"I try to be"

Just then, my phone rang and we both looked at the caller ID. "Danny" we both chorused
I picked up the phone and put it on speaker "Hey Danny wha-"
"Where the fuck are you? It's 9 fucking pm in the fucking night Bella!"
"Danny you're sweating too much and it's just 9 pm, what's all fuss about"

"I told you not to go out with him but you went out anyway and instead of coming home early for disobeying me, you're still there. Why?!"
"Danny I'm gonna be 16 in may, I'm not a kid anymore"
"It's not about that Bella, it's about him. He's bad news" fuck
I saw Henry's face change as soon as he said that

"Danny I'll call you back" I ended the call before he could say anything else.
"Henry I'm sorry about what my brother said. He doesn't know you"
Henry looked up at me "but you don't know me too Belle"
"Then let me know you, please"

He sighed before getting up "I'll tell you about myself another time bit right now your brother is furious so I need to get you home"
"You're right, let's go"
We both started walking to where he parked his car. There was this awkward silence in the air.

As we walked our hands kept swinging across each other. I felt like taking his hand In mine but I didn't know if he'd want that.
I think he read my mind because he quickly grabbed my hand and we intertwined our fingers. I felt butterflies all over again. He looked at me and smiled so deeply. I could get used to this.

Once we made it to his car, we immediately got in. I think Henry forgot we were holding hands because he almost dragged into the car with him.
We sat in the car with silence. The good kind of silence. Henry suddenly took my hand In his, he then looked at me and smiled. Yep. That's my boyfriend

We got to my driveway and I could already see Danny standing on our front door. I turned towards my boyfriend.
"Bye Henry, see in school. Goodnight"
"Bye Belle, goodnight" he then gave me a little kiss on my cheek

I got down from the car and waved him goodbye before running to my front door.
"Hey bro" I said to an angry looking Danny
"Get in" he said as he opened the door for me.
"Danny I'm sorry I hung up on you but you were saying some mean things about Henry"

"What the fuck Bella? You know nothing about that guy. He deserves every single mean thing said about him and even more!"
"Alright then, since you live in the same house as him and you know him this much why don't you fucking tell me about him!" He wants to yell? Let's yell.

"He was the one who-" before he could finish his phone cut him off. He rushed to pick up the phone
"Hey mom....yeah sure I'll get some. Love you" was all I heard from him
"What did mom want?" I asked him
"She needs me to go get her whipped cream and strawberries. I'll be right back"

"Oh, okay. Can you get me some M&M's?"
"Sure thing sis, love you" he gave me a quick kiss on my forehead before heading out like we weren't just involved in a heated argument.

I rushed up to my room and got straight into the shower to freshen up. I got out 10 minutes later and dressed into my pj's then I grabbed my phone to face time Chloe and Katie. I can't wait to tell them about Henry. Before I could do that my phone rang and immediately I smiled.

"Hey" I said to him
"Hey babe" his voice is so pretty
"How are you? did your brother kill you?"
"Nah, we just exchanged words and stuff. We're cool"
"That's nice Bella but there's something I wanted to talk to you about"
"What's that?"

Henry's pov :

"Can we keep our relationship a secret?"
"What? Why?"
"Because I don't want people in our business. You know how those girls in school behave"
"But Henry it's not their business. If they can't mind their business then that's their problem not ours"

"Bella please just listen to me. I know what I'm saying. I know how these people are. Please? We can make it public in senior year but not now"
"Alright fine, I understand"
"That's my girl, goodnight sweetie"
"Goodnight" I ended the call

"Your reason for keeping your relationship secret is stupid you know" I heard Carol say as straddled my lap
"Do you expect me to tell her my real reason?
"No but you should've found a better reason" she said before kissing my neck
"Fuck Carol, take your panties off"
"Your wish Is my command darling"

I don't want people to know about my relationship status because when I want a girl, most of them will be reluctant because I have a girlfriend and I don't want that. I know I sound shitty but come on. I can't just ask Bella for her body just like that. I'm waiting for the perfect time with her. All these girls are just to pass time and nothing more. It's my Belle that I love. Yes, I love her. I just don't know how to tell her because I don't know if she loves me too. But I'll tell her.

I got down from the bed and stood up facing Carol.
"Get on your fucking knees Carol"
I saw her put on the most seductive smile ever. I could get used to this.

It was Monday morning and Carol already left as early as 5AM before my dad wakes up. I couldn't wait to get to school to see Bella. I wonder what she'll wear today or how she'll style her hair today. She doesn't even need make up. She's so beautiful. My girlfriend.

My drive to school was quick. I immediately parked and rushed down to look for Bella.  I saw her talking to her friends in the hallway. I wanted to go say hi to them but they already left so I decided to go stay with Bella.

Something stopped me in my tracks. Kyle Cooper. What does that dick want with my girl.
I saw him touching her hair and her bag. What the hell is he getting at now? Bella looked uncomfortable but I think she didn't want to ask him to stop so that she won't seem rude. Such a softie. My softie.

Suddenly I saw him leaning in to kiss her cheek. What the fuck?
I rushed to stand in between them.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him
"Henry?" Kyle said surprised
"Yeah nice to meet you, now answer me"
"It's nothing man"
"Stay the fuck away from her. I mean it"
"What those that mean Carter?"

I looked towards Bella "get to class Bella"
"Now" I said in a pleading but stern voice
"Okay" she said as she rushed to her class

I turned to kyle "don't test me Cooper. Stay away from her"
"Who the hell are you to tell me to stay away from her?"
I sighed "I won't repeat myself again, stay away from her"
I walked away.

She belongs to me.

Hello guyssss! I'm so sorry this update came late. I'm finally done with my exams but my business has my time. I promise I'll be fully back to writing here soon.
Thank you all for the support so far.❤
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Love you guys! !

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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