Chapter 3

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Bella's pov:

"Hey Bella" the text read. "Who could this be?" I decided to text back but ask who it was.
"Hey, please who's this?" I saw that the number had opened my message, it was now typing.
"It's me, Carter" no fucking way.

"Henry? How did you get my number? How did you know my name?" I kept spam texting him "relax girl, none of that matters now" he texted me with a kiss emoji. gross.

"So....have you saved my number?" "No, why should I?" He took a while before responding and his reply made me frown "you know what, goodnight. If you don't wanna save it it's cool."

I felt bad. Why am I feeling bad? Oh God. I reached to the drawer next to my bed to drop my phone. Maybe I've been too harsh on him, like he said he just wants to be friends. I got up to get my phone. I scrolled to his number and saved it immediately. Bella I hope you know what you're doing.

It was currently 7:22AM and the hallways were already packed. I was at my locker getting the books I needed when I heard a familiar voice "hey calculator girl" I turned around to see Henry with a stupid cute grin on his face.

His hair was a bit messed up like he just woke up. He was wearing a grey hoodie and black jeans with his white converse sneakers. His blue eyes accentuated his perfect face, his jaw line was the right shape and his chest was the right version of muscular. He was gorgeous. Wait what!

I giggled " I thought you already knew my name Henry" he just stood there looking at me like I spoke Latin. I think I know what he's thinking "uhm Henry? I'm sorry I've been so rude towards you since we met. I saved your number if that would make you feel better."

"Yes! Of course that makes me feel better, thank you" he said excitedly which surprised me. "well I gotta get to class, see you later" I told him "wait, let's walk to class together" he said stopping me in my tracks. I gave him a puzzled look "but why?" He smirked "we have the exact same schedule Bella" "what?"

"We have all our classes together this year" he said as a matter of factly
"Then why didn't I see you in my physics class yesterday?"
"I skip classes when I don't wanna stay for them. But I guess I'll attend all my classes for you" he looked at me and winked.

At that point, I hadn't realized we had gotten to our geometry class together. I saw females giving me death glares. News flash, I walked to class with there man. But Henry didn't care, he made sure we sat down together. What was he doing?

"Uhh Henry, I think you should sit somewhere else?"
"No I won't but why?"
"These girls are giving me death glares because we walked to class together"
Henry turned around to face them "what are you guys looking at? Mind your business!"
"There, all better" he said

The both of us sat straight and proceeded to bring out our books to start today's class. While arranging my desk, I caught Henry looking at me. I shifted on my seat because his looks made me nervous. I decided go ask.

"Is there anything you wanna tell me?" I asked facing him.
"Why are you looking at me Henry?"
"Oh, I was just wondering why you arrange your desk all the time in class."

"Well I like to be prepared. I don't like searching my bag for stuff during classes." I told him with a brief smile. He just shrugged.

Halfway through the class I noticed that Henry was either stealing glances at me or he'd stare at me till I caught him starring. What was wrong with him? I turned towards him then he immediately looked away "Henry why are you looking at me? It's weird."

It Will Always Be UsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang