Twinling Epiphany_Part 9_Old ties? ♡

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(Author's Note: I want to thank each one of you individually for gracing an amateur like me with so much love and motivation. Honestly, I don't deserve all this. I hope my story can act as a stress-buster to you all in this hectic schedule of life. ♡ Honestly, I used to write a bunch of difficult words and used to think that I write good. Then one day I read my work. And then I realised my flaw. What use do we have of difficult words if the readers need to open dictionaries every now and then to look up the meaning? It results in lack of interest. And then I read the works of my favourite authors, and learnt that writing is not using all hectic words all of a sudden, but it is using tiny words at right places to create the enigmatic aura. ♡ And I'm trying to improve. So I've actually stopped using difficult words. :* I'll try my best so that you all, my lovely readers can relate to the story. Love ya all. ♡ )



"Yes, who's this?"

"Am I talking to The Vidhushi Kumar?"

His voice reverberated through her ears, and her eyes reflexibly got widened, in the blink of a moment; as she seemed to gulp in an important fact.

"Oh My God. RANDHIR???"
She couldn't believe what life had just thrown into her satchel.
Her best friend was calling her after a hell gap of 4 years. And she couldn't but gasp.

"Yes. My Majesty. It's Randhir."
His chuckle soon turned into a sad smile, as he recollected their college days.
Why did life have to be so merciless always?

"Shit. Please tell me that I ain't dreaming. Who's got the luck of getting called by The Randhir Singh Shekhawat?"
She gasped in excitement, and the words that escaped her mouth were dripping sarcasm.

"Not now. Viddi. All the mocking talking later."
Randhir pressed a firm hand, while her eyes emanated a unique radiance.

He was talking to his Viddi after years. And his heart churned at the moment of what she must have dealt with, in these 4 years. All thanks to Parth's infidelity.
He had never actually wholeheartedly trusted Parth with his best friend, but then chances were aboard. And he wanted to trust Parth with her, for the very reason that Vidhushi used to be crazy for him.
And however complacent he might act, he felt a wee-bit guilty on trying to gauge in Vidhushi's pain of heart.
Parth must have hurt her bad. Real bad.

"Really? After a hell lot of 1461 days, suddenly a friend calls me and asks me not to mock? What am I supposed to do, Ron?"
Even though she tried to sound headed with mockpride, her voice broke off midway. Her words were neither very convincing, nor plausible.
She had missed her one support system terribly these past years. And here he comes again, triumphing over all of them again.

"Viddi. Sorry. I can explain."

"Who cares? Who cares after what you did to us? Who cares after what you did with Sanyukta, your Sanyukta?"
She choked on her words and there heaved a momentary silence absconding in the air.

There came an unbeatable pain in his heart, that ripped throughout his body, and wrenched his soul apart. Perhaps the most painful emotions were regret and guilt.
And he was going through both. All at once.

And he would lie if he said he could justify. 'Cause he knew he could not. Perhaps Sanyukta had really moved on. Perhaps he was doing wrong again.

If he went with reasoning, there was absolutely no effing reason why Sanyukta should even care to look back. But then if he went with the notorious heart, he knew neither her, nor him, could actually move on.

Life went on. They parted ways. But they were still there on the same road, the same crossing. Sanyukta with all her love, willpower and selflessness, and him with all his arrogance, attitude and facades.

But then love was the string that tied their knot. And nobody could ever deny that.

Vidhushi's cough brought him out of his reverie. He realised he needed a friend right then. Who else than the lady on the line itself?


"Don't call me that." She faked ignorance, when all she could do was smile at their beautiful kindergarden memories.

"Listen na. Viddi. We'll meet and talk. Please give me this chance."
He pleaded.

"I'm in Delhi, Randhir. I'm Sorry."

"Come to Mumbai na. We all are here. Your Ron, Sanyukta. And your...Parth."
He smiled sadly.

Her heart stopped beating momentarily when she gauged the last name, but then she stiffened her composure.

"Sorry. I'm in with my work commitments."
She faked a reason.

"Come on. Stop faking things, Vids. Shut up and be here. Just propose a transfer thing to Mumbai and be here by next week. You can very well do that."
Randhir turned his mode on, and reprimanded a pained Vidhushi.


"Viddi. I know I cannot be forgiven. And the worst part is that I can never ask you all to forgive me. And this regret. This guilt is killing me from inside. I don't want you to suffer through the same thing. Life will never forgive you, Viddi. Come back. We are here for you."
And with that he cut the call. He knew very well that this theory would work on her.

"I don't want to fall weak, Randhir. I don't want to see him...again...ever."
She choked on her own words and sighed.

She flinched at the very thought of meeting Parth. Even after all these years of severance, it was really funny that how his mere name could still control her heart.

Just heart things. Silly things. ♡ :')


Life was an entangled mess. Four years. Four years were all that took life to take the U-turn he had feared. Four years were enough to topsy-turvy their individual lives.
The friends who had started their journey on the same path, had parted ways and had started walking towards an unpredictable dark destiny.
But he vowed to bring them back to that very crossing where he had left them before.

'Cause Randhir Singh Shekhawat was back. Back with a plan. :* :')

(Author's Note: Please. Please do vote and comment. 'Cause I thrive on those. ♡ Vidhushi and Randhir are childhood best friends. The Wicked Siblings Kind of Love they share. ♡ This is how I had always imagined them. The devilious best friends. And all of them are positive as of now. Don't bash any. Please. :* And as the story will unfold, you'll get wise to what had actually separated the best of friends 4 years back and how life taught them lessons harshly.)

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