Twinkling Epiphany_Part 3_Reminiscence

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The early morning rays broke in through the oriel windows, as he pulled the covers off his face.

Rubbing his eyelids, he had no clue of his whereabouts, until his backache started hitting

him all of a sudden.

As reality struck him, he gauged up off the sofa, tripping a while in the process.

For once, it was evident that Randhir Singh Shekhawat wasn't exactly used to such uncomfortable postures at


He stood by the nearby window, to swallow down.the enigmatic sunrays, trying to visualize the

important cascades of his mission.

He was there for a mission, and he was bound to complete it within a few days.

Exploring the entire household, his eyes came to rest upon her picture above the mantelpiece.

The picture reflected his exuberance years backs, and they had clicked it together 6 long years back.

But as providence would have it, the picture was a cropped one, radiating only her smile, whereas his

arms were just blurred in the background.

Life could really be so exhilarating at times.

The wall clock clapped, displaying 5 o' clock of the hour.

Tracing his paths to her bedroom, he imagined a sleeping Sanyukta, when the clatter of the crockery coming from the kitchen, stole his


She was standing by the oven, with hair pulled up in a messy bun and with flour adorning her face,

trying to peep in at the recipe.

He moved forward, and before he could even realise his notion, he ended up detaching the clip from her smooth tresses and allowing her

cascade-like- wavy curls to fall down her curves, while she stood numb.

It wasn't that he was seeing her after years, but that he was definitely overwhelmed at their increasing proximity.

And Randhir realised once again, that his emotions were never to change, however much he

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