Twinkling Epiphany_Part 8_A sneak peek into their feelings ♡

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(Author's Note: Sorry for being late guys. My phone lacked net balance and that's why I couldn't update. Sorry. :/ :* )

Parth's POV.

Even if Randhir was surprised, Shocked. (Wait. Shocked is an understatement.) Even if he was flabbergasted beyond measure, he didn't show it. That's one thing I had learnt about him. He had always been hiding his true emotions behind that notorious facade of arrogance. And even though he failed at it terribly, he would never show the onlooker his current state of mind.
That was what was happening now.
His change in demeanour could actually showcase his emotions. But he decided to pull that facade yet again.

I was scared, though a tad-bit. God knew why I always got messed up between these two pimps.

Randhir and Sanyukta were everything one would worship and yet fear.

And yes, I feared them beyond measure. 'Cause no one could actually decipher them.

Just for old times' sake, this time I had to give in to Sanyukta's request. The next time, she asks me to do something this weird, I'll throttle her. Well No. Only, Randhir's got that right, I guess.

With bizarre notions and intolerable thoughts swarming in my mind, I stood there, sweating vigorously at their reactions.

Randhir seemed bewildered. But then his muscles relaxed and he pulled on a smile.

I glanced at Sanyukta, and there she was again lost in him.

God knows why they love to torture each other.


Randhir's POV.

I looked left and right, and realised that I was panting, gasping for breath, which was quite unusual for me. Perhaps the shock was too huge to swallow in that easily.

I pulled down my goggles, and cleaned the glasses, and before Sanyukta could mentally grace herself with a winning point, I smirked.

I knew she had a pound of her heart on this smirk of mine.
And that worked.

She was taken aback by this change in my demeanour.

And I could grasp, in the flick of a moment that all this was prettily chalked up.

One look at the Taichi-Corrupt Parth Kashyap, and seeing the amount he was perspiring, one could easily see through their plan.

But I was a little bit more notorious. If she decided to play along, I would too.

"Hey. Fair surprise. Uhh?"

I held out my hand for a brief handshake, and her facial expressions were worth a dollar.

She was heaving with helplessness on seeing me smile like nothing ever went wrong. But then she gathered herself.
But she wasn't that much of a player, like I was.   ;)

Her hands quivered as she held my hand. I loved this effect that I had on her. ♡


Randhir grimaced as he held her hand. That uncanny exuberance, and those memories came floating by his mind. Perhaps even he wasn't much of a player, either.

Parth cleared his throat on seeing this untimely encounter between his two pals. He cursed Sanyukta for what she had gotten him into.
Since the college days, he had always been sandwiched between the two. Honestly he didn't want that all over again.

"Order Sir."

The waiter arrived, beaming, while the three of them took their seats, Sanyukta beside Parth, and Randhir opposite to them.

"Uhhmm... A fresh lime soda for me, a cold coffee for this gentleman, and a capuccino with extra froth, for this beautiful lady.", Randhir smiled, while the waiter swept past.

Parth watched him, puzzled while he heard Sanyukta gasp.


Sanyukta's POV.

I frowned, but perhaps that was audible enough, 'cause I watched him looking back at me.

I dropped my curls to hide the inherent hue that bugged my cheeks.

No way would I let Randhir do that to me again.

But I couldn't help staring blank.

He still remembered how much I loved cappucino. And he still had in his mind the extra froth thing.

Even after all these years of severance, he well recollected that Parth used to be crazy about cold coffee.

Suddenly that mighty day in college fled back to my mind, when the canteen boy had closed the shutters for their inconvenience. And I still remember how Randhir and I had fought over in the college kitchen for preparing a nocturnal cold coffee for Parth.
And how could I forget that day when he had stayed up whole night to prepare a cappucino for me, just because I had kept this sweet demand.
How could he still...?

My thoughts got interrupted by my own groan.
I frowned. How dare I think about him again?
I need to get myself sued the next time he conquers my mind.


Randhir's POV.

However much she tried, I knew she was desperately trying to get a grip over her thoughts that came drifting towards me.

I could say she was perturbed by my presence in her life.

"How's work, buddy?"

Parth spoke out of the blue to kill this awkward silence. Oh My Poor Taichi!  :v

"Better than before."

And with that we indulged ourselves in entire business talks, while I could see her stealing glances of me.

The waiter arrived with the order.

She sipped her drink in a go. That crazy she was for cappucino! I smiled, happy. Nobody would ever know her more than me.

Parth excused himself, to get us some privacy, while I arched above the table, reaching out to her.

She was scared for a moment, and puzzled next.

I wiped the froth lurking on her upper lip, and rubbed her lips in the process too, unintentionally. Okay. Don't stare at me. Fine. Intentionally. :v

And she parted her lips to suck in air.
God. How would I tell this girl how much I adored and cherished her?
Silly girl. Up for a game with me!

Did she see how her lips quivered when I touched her?

I vowed to set everything right again. By hook or by crook.


Sanyukta's POV.

And then his charm worked on me again. Nobody could ever understand "The Randhir theory of wooing Women."
Sigh!  :v

(Author's Note: That's a wrap for today. See you all soon. Do comment and vote 'cause without all your motivation, I'm literally nothing. :* )

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