Twinkling Epiphany_Part 5_Same again? ♡

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"Hey Buddy. What's up?"

"Fine. How's you?"

"Gotta be fine buddy."

"How's life?"

"Great. Can you meet me?"

"Sure. Where and when?"

"Cafe Choco. At 4."

"Make it 5. I'll be there."

"Bring your girlfriend with you, fella."

"Oh yes. She doesn't leave me alone."

"See you soon."

And he put down the receiver. It has been ages, he had talked to his best buddy.

And suddenly he could feel his veins pumping with enthusiasm.

4 years can never dismantle best friendships, rather he hoped so.

He meant to meet him exactly

the way, they used to meet each other years back.

Sighing wistfully, he gaped at the crimson horizon.

Sanyukta was off at her work, while he had taken a week-long leave.

Every damn thing in the apartment smelt ounces of Sanyukta; like the hairbrush that carried her curls or the room that lavished with her aroma.

Perhaps he was not that fortunate enough to be forgiven, but unfortunate enough to be forgotten.

Pursing his lips tight, he crouched upon the sofa, and immediately a flashback attacked him.

Flashback ♡

"Randhir. Don't do that. Hihihi", She laughed away, curling up to him as he kept on tickling her at the most sensitive spots.

"That's what you get when you don't let me watch La Liga.", He laughed amusingly, as she kept on jumping up and down to reduce the ticklish


"But Hihihi...India Vs. Pak Highlights. Hihihi. More entertaining. Hihihihi....and...", She

stammered in between to pull over her socks.

"But this is the 8th time you're watching the same thing.", He continued, bemused at her reactions.

"But...hihihi...stop it...Ran...Dhir...", She hobbled on the couch, trying to free herself, while he clutched her tighter.

"It's Virat Kohli you're interested in. Not the highlights. ", He laughed off, pulling her on his lap.


And the day broke into night, as he pursed his lips on hers, sucking out love, faith and devotion, amidst their playful banter, while the flora and

fauna triumphed over ardent cravings.

Flashback ends. ♡

"Is it still Virat kohli you're interested in?", He sighed with grief, but this time none heard and
none laughed.

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