Bonus Chapter ( III.)

Start from the beginning

"It will be done by tonight. I'll send you all a message." He said relaxing in his chair.

"Then I guess everything is settled for now." Lorenzo said as he looked around at all of us. We gave each other a nod before standing up.

"It was nice to see you in so long. Hope you don't vanish on me." I said to Lorenzo while pulling him in for a hug. Lily walked upto Matteo and Angelo as Evan made his way to us.

"I'll try my best to visit you more often than not. Evan..." He replied before pulling Evan into a hug. I glanced at Lily to see her pulling herself back from hugging Matteo while she nodded at Angelo who shook hands with her. I had heard he didn't like people touching him, but he still nodded at Lily while shaking her hand, letting her touch him.

"After seeing and knowing what she had been through, and now how she behaved in this meeting room, she earned our respect. That's why Angelo is letting her touch him. I guess we all have a soft spot for brave women." Lorenzo whispered as he too saw the interaction between Lily and Angelo. Matteo said something to which she chuckled while Angelo just shook his head before making his way to us, Matteo and Lily trailing behind.

We all bid each other farewell with a promise to not loose touch as they left our mansion. I had proposed them to have dinner with us, but they already had plans which left Lily inviting them for some other time.

"What do you think about Lorenzo?" I asked Lily as Evan left us to make a phone call. I sat down on the sofa in the living room before pulling her on my lap. She started playing with my hair as she answered.

"He seems like a man with a good heart and too much baggage to leave our world. But I can see that he needs someone in his life just like I need you. He looks lonely. Sure he has Angelo and Matteo for years...but just our bond...he too needs someone to share that with...I don't know whether he knows this or not, but there's this emptiness in his eyes. I saw that when I'd met you the first time." I kissed her cheek making her nuzzle into my neck, planting a kiss herself on me.

"Yeah. I observed that too. I thought to ask about his love life, but then thought against it. He has seen too much, been through a lot. He will take his time. And before leaving, Matteo did tell me that Lorenzo needed to settle down to." I told her. She raised her head off of me, her eyes questioning mine.

"Matteo told me that Lorenzo was getting ruthless with his kills. He was losing touch with his emotions...he was becoming like a machine on a rampage when they had missions where they had to kill more than one person. He was worried about Lorenzo. I think a feminine touch is what he needs. But we would be pushing it on him if we shared with him what we felt." Lily nodded in understanding as I played with her fingers.

"So how are you going to approach this subject with him...are you even going to say anything? Because he feels like a family to me...even though I don't know him for that long." Lily looked at our conjoined hands before I kissed her fingers.

"He will be getting approached on the subject...but not by me or you...or Angelo or Matteo." I smirked as I saw Evan making his way back to us from a different room.

"Done." Evan said as he sat down from across us in another chair. Lily turned a little so she could face him while still sitting on my lap.

"Why do I feel like you're brewing something close to a disaster?" Lily said with a confused look to Evan who looked at me. Lily tilted her head to look at me with her brow raised.

"What did he do? Let me rephrase that...what did you two do?" She asked making Evan lean forward as he rubbed his palm together, mischief dancing across his face. I shrugged as I pulled Lily closer. Planting a kiss on her temple, I replied.

"Nothing. Lorenzo's meeting my mom before leaving for Italy for his next mission." I looked at Evan who continued after me.

"So guess who's going to approach Lorenzo with that proposal?" His smirk widened a little as I heard Lily breathe out a laugh.

"Oh God!!! I better start praying that he leaves that place with a sane mind because mom is definitely going to have a field day." Evan laughed as he glanced at us making me chuckle at him and Lily's statement.

I pray for him too.

Good luck Lorenzo...





Hello Lovelies!!! This is the end of "Bonus Chapter". I will add Bonus Chapters for Ryan and Lily, but they will have names if I do that in future...not just I, II or III.

And now the news...*throat clearing*

I'll be working on a new story about...

*Cue Drumroll please*


Yes!!! Lorenzo would be the protagonist of the next upcoming story from yours truly. I hope you give him as much love as you gave to Ryan and Lily in this book...if not more. Lorenzo's story will be published as a second installment in the mafia series and Yes!!! I have decided to make a Mafia Series with 'Protecting You' as its first installment. I have the plot in my mind and have started my work on Lorenzo's story. So the next update...which I hope is sooner than I want it to be...will have details about the new book.

It will be a standalone so you will not have to read this book to read Lorenzo's story...but it will definitely have our RyLi couple visiting from time to time.

That's it for now...I hope you join me in my next journey and support my upcoming book. Stay safe, healthy and happy!!!✌️

Don't forget to click the ⭐ button down there if you liked this chapter and let me know in the comment sections about your thoughts on this story and the next story if you're interested.

All the love!!!💜



Protecting You ("The Shadows" Series: Book I)Where stories live. Discover now