A Birthday Surprise

Start from the beginning

When she sensed Perseus just behind her, she turned around and slashed her sword upward, the edge of the blade resting at the Lost God's neck. Their eyes met and she felt butterflies inside her stomach all over again, it happened every time she looked at him.

Smirking, Perseus removed the blade from his neck by his finger, as he winked at Annabeth, "Hello love, Happy Birthday to you."

He raised his left hand which was holding a small and elegant bouquet of flowers. White Cosmos, with a mix of blue cornflowers. It was simple yet beautiful. Nothing too fancy that Annabeth would hate, just some simple flowers that would make her feel appreciated.

"These are for you, Milady." He did a little bow for dramatic reasons.

Annabeth smiled widely as she took the bouquet for him. She took a smell and turned to her boyfriend, "This is so beautiful."

Perseus smiled himself as he saw her smile, something about that damn smile, and how those gray eyes shone, when she was happy sent him tumbling down the hills. "I should hope so, I stole the flowers from my little sister's garden, myself. She doesn't like it when people pluck flowers from her garden, I hope she is not mad."

Just then the sky thundered, and Perseus looked up at the sky smirking, "Oops, I guess she is mad." He shrugged, and didn't look all that worried.

Annabeth stood up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. It still felt weird and excited to kiss him, like the first time all over again. Their lips remained touched together for a while, as they ignored the cooes of the Aphrodite girls.

"So, do you have time? I was thinking of taking you somewhere, and giving you a surprise that will surely get me something more than a kiss." Perseus wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her, causing Annabeth to snort.

She rolled her eyes at him, and patted his cheek with her hand, "Sure, whatever you want seaweed brain." She said smirking at him, though her cheeks tinted pink, with what he was insinuating. "So, what have you planned for us today?" She asked.

Perseus smiled, "Something that is going to make you tear up and have you happy. Don't worry you will love it."

He extended his hand for her to take it, and Annabeth couldn't help but take a glance at his arm biting her lips. They were big, full of muscles, and could lift her up without any problem. She knew that they weren't dating for long, and she was still young, at the age of 16, but she couldn't keep the dirty thoughts out of her mind.

Her overthinking mind, that always made battle plans and ways to take down threats, they went completely haywire right now. Images of Perseus picking her up pinning her against the wall, his chest pressed up with hers. As she wraps her arms around his neck, and legs to his waist, as he makes love to her. As he dominates her.

It had her breath grow heavier, as her eyes glazed over on the daydream. She felt someone shaking her, she looked up to Perseus, who was looking at her worriedly, "Are you okay, Wise-girl?"

Still biting her lips, Annabeth shook the sinful thoughts out of her mind. "Nothing, let's just go please..." She hurried off, her face looking like a ripe tomato. She cursed herself for getting distracted on thoughts like that, in public.

Perseus still looked worried, but took her hand and told her to close eyes, and flashed them away.

Annabeth opened her eyes to see the most beautiful sight she had ever seen, an island so beautiful it's beauty could rival paradise. She looked over to find white beaches, with tropical fruit trees and green fields. The waves lapped up at the shore, and she could hear the sands rustling with water.

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