A Birthday Surprise

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Perseus smiled brilliantly and asked, "Can I kiss you?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes and stepped closer to him. "Of course, seaweed brain," She answered him. Both of their faces sporting tiny blushes.

Perseus leaned down and pressed his lips against Annabeth's. Both of them stayed like that, content with letting their lips remain like that forever. They didn't want the moment to end.

Annabeth broke the kiss and looked at Perseus red faced. She stood on her toes and planted a kiss at his cheek and ran inside her cabin. Knowing full well that her siblings had seen her, and were going to interrogate her now.

Perseus stood goofily for a minute longer. He turned and noticed that the moon was glowing harsher and it had turned a little red. He knew that he was being spied on but ignored it and flashed back to his palace.

Artemis who had been watching their entire date, from their walk on Olympus to now, cried on her chariot. She knew he was supposed to have 5 other soulmates but it hurt too much to know that, that once could've been them.

Third Person Pov

It had been twenty days since Annabeth and Perseus started dating. It was the gossip of the millennia.

The lost elder god returned, and with war looming over their shoulder, he started dating a demigoddess daughter of Athena. It would be right to say that it was the biggest thing that had happened since the fall of Rome.

The entire Olympian council was surprised when they heard about the unusual dating situation of a God and a demigoddess, none more so than Athena. But they were all happy for him, especially his siblings.

Meanwhile, Artemis had started feeling worse day by day. Is this what Perseus had felt when he saw her with Orion? Was what she asked herself all the time. Her heart felt like it was filled with lead, every time she saw them strolling through the woods together. It hurt her more than anything.

Perseus had taken Annabeth on a date in the mortal world, once every three days. To show her the world, to show her the architecture she so desperately wanted to see one day, it had been adventures upon adventures. And they were just getting started.


It was July 12, Annabeth's birthday. Just like every year, she didn't think anything special was going to happen, considering that the camp didn't do much for birthdays. So, she started her day, like any usual day. With going to the Arena and deciding to spar with her siblings.

She was teaching the younglings sword fighting. "Swipe left," She commanded as she took a strike on them with a wooden sword, "Duck," her sword went over their head.

The training kept repeating until she felt the presence of an immortal being near her. A wide smile appeared on her face as she kept pressing the younglings. She knew it was Perseus. With his blessing, she could always feel whenever he was near.

"Look Annabeth, your boyfriend is here..." One of the daughters of Aphrodite gushed, it was all they did recently. Squealing about how cute they looked together. They kept trying out their couple names, trying out dozens of them. Until, they had heard Annabeth calling Perseus as Percy. Then they finally decided on naming their couple's name as 'Percabeth.'

It was cute to see Perseus blush every time the girls

Annabeth tried to look angry, but the blush on her face betrayed her.

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