A New Age

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Before the gods could move to help Perseus, darkness followed. The gods grew scared as they felt the aura of an immortal around them. The hairs on the back of their heads stood up, signaling danger. This wasn't the arrival of a Titan or Giant. The gods realized that it was the presence of a Primordial.

Darkness ensued as the day turned to night. It was like some being had swallowed the sun and moon to cast an eternal night on earth. A thick layer of veil covered the entire planet, not allowing even a speck of sunlight, or moonlight to follow through.

A beautiful woman appeared in front of Perseus' unconscious body. It was like she had appeared out of the shadows. The woman knelt down by Perseus and sent a ray of black energy into his body.

She looked up at the Olympians and they gasped. The woman was dressed in a black dress. She had unnatural pale white skin. Her eyes were volcanic black, that seemed to suck everything in them, like a black hole. With a jolt, the Olympians realized who this woman was.

"Lady Night?" Artemis whispered, but it was enough to confirm their suspicions.

Nyx looked at the gods and spoke, "Who among you pests is a healing god?"

Third Person Pov

It had been two days since Perseus was injured from his father's scythe. He still hadn't woken up. Annabeth hadn't left his side since, even when the gods asked her to. She was wrecked with guilt knowing that he was in his state because he saved her. She remembered as he took the brunt of the blade to save her life. She was reminded of the time Thalia sacrificed herself to save her; she wouldn't be able to deal with the grief if another friend of her perished in order to keep her safe.

The bolt & helm were returned to Zeus and Hades after the gods arrived, but the two gods didn't seem happy as their eldest brother was injured. Grover had gone back to camp to inform them of the quest and of Annabeth's absence. An official council meeting was informed to be held when Perseus woke up.

The gods were all worried about Perseus. Kronos' scythe was powerful enough to slay Primordials. For all his power & strength, Perseus was still a god. The only reason he survived was because of Nyx, if she hadn't helped the healing process, he would've fallen. The elder gods had seen the power of that scythe when they had slashed their father to pieces. They thanked Chaos that Perseus survived.

Perseus Pov

I woke up to find myself in a brightly lit temple; everything around me was in gold. The room looked like it was meant to be for a patient, like a hospital. I realized it must be Apollo's temple. I checked the time, three days had passed since my fight with Lelantos, and when the scythe struck me. No! I did not need a watch. I am the God of time; I can do stuff like that.

I stretched and my chest screamed up in pain. I was used to some pain, so I didn't mind it, and just gulped down some nectar immediately feeling better. I mentally messaged Apollo that I was awake. He was silent for sometime, so I figured he hadn't heard me, but after a minute his reply came. Thank Chaos that you recovered early, Uncle. Come to the throne room, my father has called a council meeting and is having the daughter of Athena explain to him, what happened in the quest.

I realized that I had some changes to make and flashed myself out of the throne room, opened the doors to the throne room, and went inside. Everyone was already here. Annabeth was sitting at the foot of my throne and recounting our quest to the council, but stopped when I stepped in.

All the gazes fell at me as I started walking towards my throne. I could see relief fill the eyes of my siblings when they saw me. Before I could continue further, Annabeth ran at me. All I could see was a blur of blonde hair, before I had someone hugging me to my death. I wrapped my arms around her when I realized she was crying. I let her until she calmed down.

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