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Hestia looked at the hearth and prayed, "We need you brother. Please come home."

As soon as she prayed to her brother, there was a flash of light in the middle of the throne room.

"Children, how many times have I said? That I don't like it, when you fight amongst yourself." The voice that all the elder gods missed said.

Their brother had arrived. Perseus was home.

Third Person Pov

Perseus sure knew how to make an entrance. After not showing any sign of existence for millennia, he just decided to pop in and chastise his siblings. How much of a dick move was that?

When the light cleared out, there he stood. The firstborn son of Kronos and Rhea, but there was something different about him. His usual disciplined attire was changed to something a typical teenager would wear. A tight t-shirt that showed his muscles, his jet black hair was as messy as ever. He opened his golden eyes, the same eyes that cared for them millennia ago; the same eyes that held such love, and kindness towards them; their hearts ached for it. He was in his 15 year old form. Overall, he could make a woman drool just by his looks.

Zeus, getting over his shock, ran and hugged his brother for all he was worth. Followed soon, by the rest of Perseus' siblings.

Demeter hugged her elder brother, and cried. She had missed the days she spent with her brother. He was genuinely interested in what she had to say, or about her domains. While many ignored her ramblings, because of her domains of Agriculture, and Harvest. Her brother actually acknowledged her strength, and responsibilities as the Goddess of Sacred Laws.

Hera loved her elder brother's presence. When Zeus would go whoring around, Perseus was the one to console her. He always tried to get Zeus to be more loyal towards her. She unfolded all her insecurities, and bitterness to him. Yet he never thought any less of her.

Hades, who happened to be present at the meeting, was delighted to see his big brother. When Zeus had decided to banish Hades from Olympus, he tried to reason with the King of Gods. If Perseus had ordered Zeus would've lifted his order, but the firstborn of Kronos never wanted to force his siblings into something they didn't want to do. Hades never held it against his older brother, and loved him dearly.

Poseidon, had missed Perseus. Sharing a domain of sea, he felt closer to his elder brother than anyone else on the council. They would always argue about which kind of aquatic animal was the best. Poseidon himself was an easygoing God; he could just sit back and relax with his brother. They shared a relationship where people could mistake Perseus for Poseidon's father. In some ways he was the father Poseidon wished he had.

Zeus was just glad his brother was home. He knew he had problems; sometimes his paranoia could get the better of him. His elder brother was always there to help him in such situations. Perseus always cared for him. He knew of the fear Zeus held. The fear of turning into his father, the Titan Lord Kronos. Perseus made sure that his little brother didn't fall into his father's steps.

Hestia, the sweet kind Hestia. Always the hope for her family, she missed her elder brother dearly. He was always the one to ignite hope in her. She was not one of the Gods with fancy domains, so they ignored her. She faded into the background, but her brother made sure to make her feel seen. She was his favorite, he had told her himself.

Hestia sobbed as she held her brother for the first time in millennia. She broke apart from the hug and slugged him right across the face, leaving a nasty bruise. The Olympians were shocked, they had never seen the peaceful Goddess get violent, ever.

Perseus- The Lost GodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora