Heart to Heart

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Hey readers, your author here, thank you for all the reviews and love for the story. The serotonin I get while reading your reviews is addicting, and encourages me to write more. Thank you for that. Anyways, many of you have questions that get hard to discuss in the comment section.

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One in particular, Artemis, at first she felt anger. That stupid sword was Perseus' most treasured possession. She had tried wielding it once before, and it had burned her. Like she wasn't worthy to wield it, and now it had accepted a demigod as its wielder. How was she worthier than her, Artemis didn't know. She was absolutely shocked that Perseus gave the sword to the demigod girl, and intentionally at that. Annabeth must have meant a lot to him to give up the sword.

She felt jealous when she saw him cradle her in his lap. Artemis wished it was her in that girl's place. She was particularly burning with jealousy, when she saw Perseus ask the girl for a date. She had never been on a date with him, and now the demigod girl was going on.
'Maybe I should offer her a place in the hunt' Artemis thought to herself, and smiled.

Artemis Pov

Father dismissed everyone and said to give Perseus privacy for the rest of the day. I flashed my self to my hunters' camp, but a goddess was already there. Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was sitting at a log by the fire. The girls were eyeing her nervously; they were the opposite of each other. They reject love, while she appraises it. 

"What are you doing here, Aphrodite?" I asked, her presence in my camp was surely unfortunate. 

"Ah Artemis, I was just waiting for you. I would like to speak to you in private." She said, and my guard went up. I didn't trust her one bit, but I motioned for her to follow me to my tent, rushing so I could make her go away. 

When we were inside my tent, she took a seat by the bed, while I sat on the bed myself. I looked at her to continue, her face turned serious in a matter of seconds, and she said, "Don't do it."

I frowned, I didn't know what she was talking about, and I don't like people restraining me from doing something. Staying calm, I asked her, "What are you talking about?"

"You are about to ask the daughter of Athena to join the ranks of your hunters. Don't do it." She said, and I was taken back. Anger coursed through me. How did she know of my plans, and who dared she think she was to tell me what to, or not to do? 

"I will do what I wish to do, I won't listen to the likes of you Aphrodite. What makes you order me around. I am going to ask the daughter of Athena to be my hunter whether you like it or not. She's a powerful maiden, that bested Heracles. She would do well to follow me, and I will take no advice from a whore like you." I growled at her; there was no way I was going to let anyone stand in my way of getting Perseus back. 

Aphrodite's body tensed, and an intense red aura surrounded her. I could feel the metals around the room melting a little, "Watch your mouth, when you speak to me girl. While I may not say or look much, I'm the oldest God alive. I may not have flashy powers like you, and your father, but don't forget. I was born from my father Ouranos' organ, and the water of Pontus. Two Primordial's essence runs through my veins, if I wanted to I could decimate you in my sleep. Show some respect, when I'm offering you the same." She growled at me, and I nearly fainted.

I had never, no one had ever seen Aphrodite this angry ever. I don't want to say it, but I'm afraid of her. The power she radiated was second only to Perseus; even my father Zeus wouldn't be a match to her in terms of power. I nodded timidly at her, to not anger her further. 

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