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Perseus nodded to her question. The council grew wary as they realized that a probable prophecy child was alive. "But they pose a threat to us Uncle. Do you think it's wise to let them live?" Athena asked as she thought about the danger the children posed.

Hades wanted to speak, but stopped when Perseus spoke, "I do not know whether it is wise or not Athena. I do not know if the children would choose to save us or destroy us, but the choice would be up to the prophecy child. All we can do is help them and hope they make the right choice. But what I would not do is kill an innocent child, just because they pose threat to us."

Perseus looked that Athena was about to argue further, so he turned to Poseidon. "Do you have any children; I have to be aware about?" He asked his brother smiling. Poseidon was one of the gods who loved his children very much, and no matter the rivalry he had with Zeus, he never took it out on his children.

Poseidon shook his head as he answered, "No brother, I have been faithful to Amphitrite since I took the oath."

Perseus nodded and took Annabeth's hand in his. He looked at the council, "As of now, the children of Hades are under my protection. Any action against them would be taken as a declaration of war against me." He said, and flashed out with Annabeth.


Perseus flashed Annabeth and himself to his palace.

Annabeth looked around his palace and frowned, "You call this dump a palace?" She asked him, raising her eyebrows.

Calling an empty warehouse looking like building a palace was a great offense to Annabeth. From outside Perseus' palace looked like the typical palace of gods, with Greek theme designs. But from inside it was empty, nothing to sit on. The walls were empty, giving it a barren look. Even a hormonal teenage boy could make his room look more appealing than this.

Perseus rolled his eyes at Annabeth and answered, "My place used to be decorated with stuff that had connection to Artemis and showed my love for her. When everything with 'Orion.'" Perseus' lips stretched into a sneer at the son of Poseidon's name. "I destroyed everything, burnt the momentums that signified our relationship and stuff." He had moved on from Artemis, but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt when he remembered the day his heart broke.

The day he found his wife lip-locking with another man. He hadn't touched her because he wanted to respect the fact that she hated males, but to find that she betrayed his respect and trust for a man who turned out to be a rapist. Perseus had warned Artemis many times not to trust that son of Poseidon. But in her hatred of him, she ignored him. Which led to one of the hunters being raped, and probably being kicked out of the hunt. Because there was no way Artemis allowed a girl who wasn't a maiden, in her hunt.

Annabeth nodded, now she looked pleased by the dump. She didn't want anything related to Artemis in Perseus' home. Hated would be too strong of a word, but Annabeth despised the silver goddess. No one who hurt her friend would get her respect. Perseus shouldn't have to go through what he had because some goddess was too shallow to know his actual worth.

The fact that Artemis was married to Perseus and once was the woman he loved, might have to do something with why she was feeling such negative emotions towards the goddess. She hoped that he wouldn't get back with her again.

She still wanted the palace to have a more homely look though.

As though he had heard her thoughts, Perseus nudged her, "You want to decorate it?" He asked softly.

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