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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Just as the band is already setting up, Irene announced to the crowd about the Clean as you Go policy once the event has ended

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Just as the band is already setting up, Irene announced to the crowd about the Clean as you Go policy once the event has ended. Due to a large amount of students and outsiders, they decided to move the stage to the campus field where everyone can watch, especially on the rooftops.

"Where are we going?" Jennie asked, she let Lisa lead the way as they climb up the stairs of the old main building. "Since you hate the crowd so much, I might as well take you somewhere you can breathe." Lisa answered, she finally busted the rooftop door open and they found out that they're alone and none of the students are even there to get a better glimpse of the band.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of heights." Lisa joked, she removed her cap as the sun started to set. "I'm not, just afraid of falling." Jennie said, taking a deep breath, feeling the wind touch her brunette hair. She have never felt more relaxed.

"I thought you already fell?" Lisa asked, and Jennie was confused at first, and after a second she softly punch Lisa's arm. "You're so cocky, Manoban." Jennie rolled her eyes, the two of them leaned on the shelf of the old main building, they can see other students watching from another building too and some are even watching from the classroom's window.

"Hm. This is nice Jennie." Lisa can only hug Jennie from behind, as they watch the host announce Minnie's band. "You did a good job organizing this event, though this is actually my first time." Lisa added, placing her head on Jennie's shoulder.

"Your first time? Didn't we have college fair every year."

"I never attended any of those." Lisa lowered her voice, she watch the host interview the band on the stage as she hug Jennie. "Why?" Jennie snorted, "I just don't feel like going that time." Lisa recalls that she doesn't feel like she belong in her class. All her classmates are picking groups for the booths, and Lisa was left alone and no one even want to pick her as their group mate.

"Then why attend now?" Jennie asked, "Well I've seen you work hard organizing this event, and you're also the person that I'm always looking forward to see everyday." Lisa smiled.

Jennie can't stop giggling internally, she wants to explode. She wants to slap Ella's arm, or pinch her cheeks because of this fluttering feelings she have for Lisa "Thank you." Jennie squeezed the thai's hand making Lisa hold it back. "Hello guys! This is Minnie! I know it's been awhile, but me and the band wrote a new song! It's called 'Saying Hello' and I hope you guys will love it!" The lead vocalist can only nod to the guitarist, she started to play an acoustic guitar for the intro. Minnie started to sing and the rest of instruments followed. The crowd started to cheer, while the vocalist continue to sing.

Jennie can't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach, the two of them started to sway along the rhythm of the song. Lisa on the other can only shut her eyes, she nuzzled her head on Jennie's shoulder while she's still hugging her from behind.

"You know, this is actually my favorite spot." Lisa said breaking the silence, now relax as ever, "Yeah?" Jennie turn around to face the thai. "Ever since first year of junior high, I used to eat lunch here with Diana, sometimes she and I skip period just to meet up... she also taught me how to draw," Lisa pursed her lips, looking at the stars to avoid the tears from falling, "You really miss her." Jennie said she noticed the thai admiring the dark blue violet sky. "She's like my big sister you know." Lisa finally shed into tears, but she's still smiling.

"Too bad I was in a different section that time, I would've defended your butt too, and be friends with her." Jennie wiped off the tears from Lisa's cheeks. "You'd love her." The thai chuckled lightly, "And I might as well." Jennie let out a soft laugh as she fixed Lisa's jet black hair. The brunette ran her fingers on Lisa's jaw all the way to her piercings, tracing it.

"You're really beautiful, Lisa." Jennie said, lowering her voice as she cup the thai's face. "And you're beautiful too." Lisa slightly turn her head around, she gave Jennie's right palm a kiss. The brunette started to feel shy when she felt Lisa's soft lips kissing her hand.

"May I?" Lisa asked.

"Of course."

As Minnie sing her latest song, Lisa slowly leaned in closer to Jennie, she shut her eyes while Jennie can only do the same.

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¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


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