Chapter 9 ; Boyfriends

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"Boyfriends. They think you're so easy, they take you for granted. They don't know they're just misunderstanding you ... You love a fool who knows just how to get under your skin. You, You still open the door. "

I would like to say this before this chapter begins, I adore you guys! You are some of the sweetest people on this app and I'm so glad you found my story. To the 3.3k of you who've read this story, you give me so much dopamine and serotonin. <3

Finals week kicked my ass and even the end of last semester in general was crazy. I am feeling that burnout now that Semester two has kicked in. Hope all is well those who are also going through it right now.

Without further ado, this chapter is called Boyfriends and ... If you know, you know. 

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Halloween ended in a blur. Willow had dissociated, until Luz asked her if she was okay at the end of the night. The girls were in Luz's room taking off their makeup and changing into pajamas, Willow seemed sluggish to Luz's attention and hadn't been saying much. Willow seemed to fade back into reality at the question. "Huh?"  Willow said and Luz smiled. "I was asking if you were okay, you seem a little out of it." Willow's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to say she was fine, but didn't proceed with the thought. Luz furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, looking at Amity before looking back at Willow. Vee plopped down from her top bunk and sat beside Willow curiously. "Did something happen?" Vee asked, but Willow still didn't answer. Amity clenched her fist, "Was it Hunter? I swear if he-" Willow whipped her head up at the name and shook her head frantically, "No! No! I mean .. kind of, yes, but-" Fumbling over her words she ended her babbling with a frustrated groan into her hands. Amity and Luz finally sat down too and gave Willow their full attention. Willow finally understood that her friends wouldn't let the matter drop and thought hard about what she would say. After Hunter apologized for not feeling the same, he'd been avoiding her and any interaction that he may have with her. It made her feel really annoyed and sad, but she had no idea how to portray these feelings with words. 

"I confessed my feelings to Hunter and he didn't-" Willow took a deep breath to keep back the tears. "His reaction was just so strange and I-" Her exhale came out shaken and she squeezed her eyes shut, biting the inside of her cheek. Before she could even attempt to continue, she was wrapped in a group hug that only made her feel even more vulnerable and depressed. She cried, she allowed herself to cry and let the heartbreak get to her and her friends didn't say a thing. There was a silent understanding within the four of them, it seemed to gently speak more than words. 'It's okay to feel big feelings even if the conflict seems small.' The group stayed like that for a while until Willow had let it out enough to finally find the words. Sniffling and taking a tissue from Vee, Willow smiled sadly at her friends. "I guess I'm just tired of it. Being rejected by people I like, people I am serious about. I care about Hunter, more than words can express, but I don't think he feels that in the same way." Willow took another deep breath, "However, I also don't fully feel like what he said was a complete rejection." The others listened with confused expressions, thinking hard as Willow recalled the conversation. 

They brainstormed together and came to the conclusion that Hunter wasn't prepared for a relationship, that perhaps Hunter didn't think he was worthy.  Hunter still felt like he didn't belong anywhere and they guessed that the horror attraction triggered those familiar views of himself. After being given another perspective, Willow felt a little stupid at her reaction, but Luz quickly piped in, "Just because you can understand someone else's reaction to a situation, doesn't mean that your feelings should be less. It still hurt you, there's no excuse for that." Willow pondered this deeply, considering what Luz said, before smiling in recognition. "I suppose you're right. I should talk to him tomorrow." The group pulled in to another big hug once more before finally finishing getting ready for bed. As they all piled in, Willow decided to stay in the girls room that night, snuggling close to a pillow in the sleeping bag. Glancing to the window, she could see the stars out and sparkling bright. Despite wanting to stay up and think some more, her eyes grew heavy and she found herself falling asleep.

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