A DANCE encounter.. (part 5 )

Start from the beginning

"Whelp, it's not rly much but it's an apartment" while letting yena into the apartment before closing the door, y/n is suddenly very happy it isn't all messy in here.. "phew - glad I cleaned.." Y/n accidentally says out loud.. very quietly so yena doesn't actually hear it as she's busy checking out the place. She had put her shoes neatly by the door n y/n does the same.

"Well, like I said. Not much but it's not too bad right? Let's eat before our food gets cold yeah?"

Yena nods and follows y/n to the kitchen " it may not be much but it's pretty cozy... i like it here"

Yena speaks without the intention of teasing y/n or without really thinking herself - y/n is left just standing there for a split second..  tho when yena opens her food box the shock quickly disappears and y/n does the same.

They talk a little over the food in between all the bites and all the " woah it's soo good" s ... (yeah uhm .. don't mind me )

Yena smiles and puts her box in the trash " that was so good ~ I'm full now... so what about games ??" She looks at y/n who is now also throwing away trash left over after dinner " right right ~ let's go to the living room and see ~ "

And so they do ~ they look through a bunch of games. And one game makes yena exclaim " OH THIS ONE - come on let's play this !"

Y/n is surprised to see it's not just dance.. instead it's singstar.. " she sings too..? " y/n thinks

"Alright then, I'll have you know I am pretty decent at this game tho " a competitive smirk forms on y/n's face

Yena smiles back "oh really?? Cant wait to hear it then... You wanna do versus first?? And then when we're tired of that we do a duet? " she looks at y/n now trying to set up the game with all the cables and mic's. She struggles a bit so in the end y/n is the one who does it. Then they start the game grabbing one mic each "ready to loose Ducky? " she giggles "oh competitive are we.. don't count me out yet tho " she makes a playful face as she winks. And then they choose a song. Y/n choosing first since Yena seems even more comfident..

"why don't You pick the song then.. since ur so confident youll win y/n ~ ?"

Those words are stuck in y/n's head as the song starts. This song is a Classic. Its fantastic baby. By big bang yes. This is a song y/n has always sings when sings tar comes on.

Yena giggles "Alright, a Classic it is ~ lets go then !"

They have a lot of fun singing this first song, they Also both notice that the other can at least somewhat sing.. event Tho this song doesnt Exactly test vocal skills to any big extent they can both tell the other can at least hit notes.

When the song is over.. theyre waiting for the score "Well, guess we both have a reason to be confident huh? Lets see who won..." y/n nods "Yeah i was honeslty a little surprised when You wanted to play Singstar.. first though was "SHE SINGS TOO?" Apparently She does ? " y/n chuckles " honeslty singing is a lot of fun. At least like this.. OH - wow that is so close.. tho You beat me with 13 points... ahhhhh dang it.."

Yena smiles as she listens to y/n rambling. Then replies with a giggle "You did better then i thought tho... and Thanks for the compliment i suppose.. im just getting started .. " she makes a focused expression stickig her tounge out as she picks out the song " .. we should do this often. Also.. think you're up for this one ? Cuz this one is my favorite to sing ~ "

Y/n gulps "we will see I guess - wait THIS is your favorite !? Okey show me what you got then " Yena smirks and starts the song... this time it's IU's Celebrity

Y/n follows the song quite well but this time it's apparent yena knows how to sing as well. And y/n is more focused on how amazing she is then singing. Tho manages to at least not sound too bad..

After the song is over yena has the biggest smile on her face " hehe, you do seem quite stunned. You did well tho.. buuut" the points show up and this time yena won by way more.. which doesn't surprise y/n at all " as I said.. this one is my favorite... soo if you don't mind.. can I pick the duet song?" She gives y/a soft smile

Y/n nods "ahhh yeah sure you can - damn you're good tho - you should be an idol or something - you'd be popular I bet " y/n blurts out

To which yena flinches a bit in the midst of choosing song "w-well thank you ~ guess that is a high compliment hehe... if it wasn't for the industry I'd probably be going that road to be honest" she smiles "I do love performing ~"

They keep talking til yena finds a song "ahh, can we do this one?" She looks at y/n.. and y/n seems to be frozen at the sight of the song... "THIS... oh I yes but I think... my face is heating up.." is all y/n can think

SO - it took a damn while 💀 I wanted this to be the final chapter but I felt like it would be cut too short. I don't wanna rush the end yk ~ soo the next chapter will most likely be the last one of this story.. comment if you have any requests ^^

// Author - Nim Felix ~

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