|07.5| She walks in beauty pt.2

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I nod as she shuffles closer, "How long have you been sitting here for?"

"Awhile" I reply as I continues staring at the wall

"Santi and I put a dent in his car"

I look at her and she shrugs a little, "I know it's not much but..... karma will eventually reach him"

I smile softly, "Gracias"

She hands me a lollipop before lying on my shoulder, "You guys are ugly" Matty says as he sits besides us

"Shut up"
"Thanks" Lola and I say at the same time

As I look at him he frowns, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

"She's high"


"Trust me, it's the best thing ever"

"I know, Daniel told me" Our little brother replies

As the three of us turn our attention back to the tv we hear the doorbell ring, "Not it" Santi says from the kitchen

"Not it" Matty adds quickly

Lola looks at me, "Not it"

I suck on my lollipop, "Whatever I'll get it"

I was a little surprised when I opened the door, not because of my parents but because of who they were accompanied by. Mom looked irritated which wasn't really a surprise, however me on the other hand... I'm happy.

"Aunt Camilaaaaa" I say a little too excitedly but also lazily

She hugs me, "Hey pretty"

Dad lifts my chin up as we pull away, "Estás enfermo?"

Are you sick?

Mom walks passed us, "She's high"

"Why Adri?" He asks

Aunt Camila waves him off, "Stop making a big deal"


"I'll deal with her it's fine"

He gives her one last look before heading into the front room and I yawn as I shut the door. "What brings you here"

She leads me to the kitchen, "Carmens recovery programme is near my house"

I'd say that my sisters lucky to be leaving, only because she'll get a break from this family. Our aunt lives about an hour away and honestly I love the area that she lives in, it's drama free. I think the last time we all saw her it was at my quince last year, Camila is always all over the place so I'm shocked she even came to see us.

"I'd love nothing more than a break from this place" I mutter

She sits opposite me as Lola hugs her, "Why? Qué te pasa?"

-What's going on with you-

My sister decides to get involved, "She was kind of dating this guy-

"Do we really need to retell this again?"

Aunt Camila looks between us, "Yes we do. Since when did you do relationships?"

"I don't-

"Cause she got cheated on" Matty says as he reaches over for a bag of popcorn

I shove his head, "Shut the fuck up-


"You deserved it-

Lola rolls her eyes, "Here we go-

"Your always rude for no reason" Matty says annoyed

"I wonder why that is-

AdrianaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz