1. The Change

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"...." Speaking
'...' thinking
-time skips/place change-
(A/n) Autors note

3rd POV:

It is a mild Thursday summer evening, the birds and crickets are chirping, the heat is cooling down a bit and familiar sounds of volleyballs hitting the floor and squeaking shoes can be heard from the gymnasium of the Karasuno High School.
Everyone is practicing but it seemed less energic somehow. Soon, Sugawara 'the team's mom' notices that Hinata, their sunshine isn't feeling so good today.

"Hinata, why don't you go home already? It's been a long day and you look a bit pale." – Suga

"Yeah, you're right I've felt a bit weird and tired today. I guess I just have to go to sleep." – Hinata

And with that he changes and cycles the mountain to his house up. Too exhausted to even eat he throws himself on his bed after quickly changing into a comfy shirt and pants. Not a second after he is already fast asleep.

Back with the rest of the team:

"What was that? Why did our precious Kohai suddenly leave?" Noya asks, showing his protective side.

"What? You didn't notice?" Tsukishima says.

"Notice What?!" both Noya and Tanaka exclaim.

"Oi, what did Boke do this time?" Kageyama said, acting annoyed but secretly worrying about Hinata.

"He has been tired and zooming out all day. And in practice, he didn't jump as high and screamed as loud as usual. Something is obviously odd." The blond boy casually says, making everyone except Suga shocked.

"Did you stalk on him this whole day? Do you have a crush on him Tsukki?" Yamaguchi teasingly says

"Urusai Yamaguchi"

"Gomen Tsukki"

-time skip brought to you by a twerking Akaashi-

The next morning

Shouyous POV:

I wake up to my alarm clock and tiredly sit up in my bed. My head feels dizzy and my chest somehow is really heavy. I figure that I caught a cold yesterday while riding my bike and must have a cough now.

As I check the time, I practically jump out of my bed and storm into the bath so I won't be late to morning practice. But when I look in the mirror, I doubt that I am really awake so I pinch myself only to scream out loud. Not a second after, my mom storms through the bath door and asks shocked:

"Shouyou? Is that you?"

"Yeah... I mean I guess"

"Why are you a girl?"

'So, I didn't dream. I really am a girl now huh? That girl with waist length, fluffy, orange curls, rosy cheeks and lips that looked at me through the mirror really is me.', I thought

"I have no Idea. Really. I woke up like this." I answer my mom honestly and a little hysterical.
She, on the other hand, seems to react very positively to this.

"You look so cuuute" She screams out, taking my hand to turn me around. "Omg I can't wait to dress you up!"

"Mom chill please. Can't we go to a doctor first?"

"Uh, yeah you're right we probably should go check this out first."

-Time skip brought to you by Joe-

After the checks, at the doctors

Still Shouyous POV

The door opens and reveals the friendly doctor who did the checks on me earlier.

"Hello Shoyou, let's get straight to the point. I'm really sorry to say that, but we can't really explain why you've turned into a girl, because it seems like your genes somehow changed to feminine ones. Also, now that your genes have changed, it is impossible for them to change back into male ones." The doctor says with a hint of pity in her voice.

"So let me get this straight: My son suddenly turned into a girl and you can't really explain why?" My mom says

"Yeah, and I apologize that I can't help you more but I would suggest that Shoyou stays out of school for a month just to adjust to her new body."

"But what about volleyball?" I blurt out

"What about it?" The doctor asks confused.

"Can I still play in my team? I really want to. I just love volleyball and I simply can't live without it!" I explain

"Well, that's on your school to decide I really can't answer that question but feel free to call me when you need help, ok? Here's my number sweety, but I really need to go to my next client. Bye!"


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Can you please call the principal and ask him if there is any chance for me to continue playing in my team?" I beg with puppy eyes

"Oh, I already did it while you were talking. I also explained your condition to Mr. Ukai and both agreed that you can continue playing since the girl's team has disbanded last year and Ukai said that he needed you in the team." My mom says, sounding happy that I can be happy


My mom just smiles at me and we leave the hospital.

'What will the team think of me? Will they think I'm a freak?'


Hello everybody and welcome to my first story I've ever written! I apologize if it is bad, I just wanted to write something like this for a while now and finally decided to do so, because I currently have corona and am bored as hell :)

Anyways, because I have read many fem Hinata fanfictions, there may be similarities to other fanfictions, but this story is written by me and belongs to me. But all Characters and the show this story is based on does not belong to me but to Haruichi Furudate.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language :)

OK, so the first chapter is finished, but I am gonna upload it when I at least have 5 chapters done.

Please vote, comment and have a great day/evening/morning/night!!

Ly, Julie <3

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