Season 1 Episode 8 - Long Shot

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Dean confessed the truth about Nathan's death to a shocked Sam and asked him not to tell their Sister.
Robbie showed a interest in Deanna.
The Winchester's left Bobby's to find a hunt.

The Winchester's are inside a motel room, Sam is sitting at the table along with Deanna as Sam is typing on his laptop and Deanna is scrolling through her cell phone

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The Winchester's are inside a motel room, Sam is sitting at the table along with Deanna as Sam is typing on his laptop and Deanna is scrolling through her cell phone. Sam says "I might've found us a hunt" and Deanna looks to Sam and asks "Really?" Sam nods as he peers to his laptop screen and says "A man murders his Sister because a man told him to" and Dean walks out of the bathroom as Deanna says "I dunno it might not be our thing, the guy could just be bat shit crazy". Dean asks as he puts on his brown leather jacket "What's going on?". Deanna says "Sammy thinks that he found a hunt" and Sam interjects "A man killed his Sister because a man told him to" and Dean nods and says "It sounds like a long shot but it could be our kind of gig. Could be a demon" and Deanna sighs. Dean says "Alright, I'm gonna grab us some food and then we'll hit the road" and Sam and Deanna nods as Sam says "Alright" and Dean walks out of the motel room. Sam smirks amusingly "We gotta pack up our shit" and Deanna rolls her eyes.

Robbie is outside Bobby's yard smoking a cigarette as he stares ahead as he exhales the cigarette smoke

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Robbie is outside Bobby's yard smoking a cigarette as he stares ahead as he exhales the cigarette smoke. Robbie smiles and he reaches his hand into his hoodie pocket and takes out his cellphone and scrolls through his contact list and stops once he sees Deanna's name. Nicole walks out of Bobby's and Robbie looks to Nicole and smiles to her "Hey" and Nicole says "I've made you some lunch" and Robbie nods and says "Thanks" and he puts his cellphone back in his pocket and throws away his half smoked cigarette and walks into Bobby's house as Nicole smirks and follows him in the house.

 Nicole walks out of Bobby's and Robbie looks to Nicole and smiles to her "Hey" and Nicole says "I've made you some lunch" and Robbie nods and says "Thanks" and he puts his cellphone back in his pocket and throws away his half smoked cigarette and...

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Deanna is standing by her motel bed as she's packing her clothes inside her duffel bag whereas Sam is packing his things aswell. Dean walks inside the motel room holding a bag of food and talking while his cell phone pressed to his ear and laughing. Deanna and Sam look to Dean and focus back on their packing as Dean says cheerily "That's great news buddy, that's we're heading. So I'll see ya there, I'll be around a hour..alright cool bye" and Dean hangs up and Sam asks as he sips up his duffel bag "Who was that?" Dean grins as he puts his cellphone in his jacket pocket "That was Callum, he wants to meet up. He's heading where we are" and Deanna's face drops with horror.

Robbie walks into the kitchen and sits down at the table and looks down to the food and Robbie says "This looks good" and Nicole follows Robbie in and sits beside him and says "Yeah I made it for you" and Robbie nods

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Robbie walks into the kitchen and sits down at the table and looks down to the food and Robbie says "This looks good" and Nicole follows Robbie in and sits beside him and says "Yeah I made it for you" and Robbie nods. Nicole says "So, I was wondering would you wanna do anything?" Robbie scratches his head and says "I'm not sure" and Nicole says "Oh c'mon it'll be fun. Besides you can take me out as a thanks since I made you food" and Robbie scratches the back of his head and says "As friends right?" Nicole leans forward towards Robbie and says "Friends" and Robbie nods and Nicole continues "with benefits" and Robbie looks to Nicole and Nicole leans in and kisses Robbie But Robbie pulls back from her and Nicole looks to Robbie and Robbie says "I'm sorry I'm just not interested" and Nicole stands up and shouts "Fine!" and she marches out of the kitchen and Robbie sighs as he pushes the plate away and Robbie mutters "Great".

 Besides you can take me out as a thanks since I made you food" and Robbie scratches the back of his head and says "As friends right?" Nicole leans forward towards Robbie and says "Friends" and Robbie nods and Nicole continues "with benefits" and ...

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Dean is driving the impala with Sam sitting at the passenger side and Deanna sitting at the back of family car. Dean says "Ah man this is great, I haven't seen Callum at least three years" and Sam says "So, whys he in the town?" Dean replies as he shrugs hi shoulders nonchalantly "Apparently he's doing a hunt". Deanna folds her arms across her shoulders and she uneasily looks to Dean and asks "De is this a smart idea, I mean Dad should be our main priority not meeting up with old friends" and Dean says with a sigh "Look Annie we've talked about this, we're still searching for Dad but until we do we're gonna do our job, I mean we're hunters and besides I haven't seen Callum in a while" and Deanna looks down and mumbles "Fine" and Sam looks to Deanna through the cars rear view mirror with concern in his eyes.

 Deanna folds her arms across her shoulders and she uneasily looks to Dean and asks "De is this a smart idea, I mean Dad should be our main priority not meeting up with old friends" and Dean says with a sigh "Look Annie we've talked about this, we...

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Nicole is in her bedroom as she is sitting on her bed crying. Bobby walks past her bedroom but once he hears Nicole's cries he abruptly stops and turns back and approaches her bedroom door and lightly knocks on the door and after a moment Bobby opens the door and pops his head in. Bobby looks to Nicole as she wipes away her tears and Bobby tilts his head to the side and he walks into the room and asks "Nicole, Sweetheart what's the matter?" Nicole shakes her head as Bobby approaches the bed and sits on the edge of her bed and Nicole says "It's just it's Robbie" and Bobby asks as he curiously looks to Nicole "What's wrong?" Nicole replies "I like him Bobby but he doesn't like me back. I made him lunch and I tried to kiss him but he pulled away" and Bobby deeply sighs and says "Don't take it personal Nicole, he's just a typical boy. Robbie's troubled he always has been. Take my advice and find someone else cause he will only break your heart" Nicole sniffles and says "I guess, it's just I really liked him" and Bobby pulls Nicole in for a hug and says "Never mind, there's plenty of fish in the sea".

Sam worries for Deanna as she starts to act strangely.
Callum meets with The Winchester Siblings.
Bobby lectures Robbie.

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