Season 1 Episode 15 - Lot of Blood

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Dean and Sam saved Deanna from Kip's clutches But was fatally stabbed.
Dean rushed Deanna to hospital.
Sam found out the truth from Kip.
Bobby and Nicole and Robbie rushed to the hospital.

Dean's worrying eyes look to the male Doctor before him and he says "Just give it to me straight Doc, did she make it?" The Doctor softly smiles to Dean and says "Yes she's alive, she has lost a lot of blood but she is alive" Dean puffs out a sigh...

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Dean's worrying eyes look to the male Doctor before him and he says "Just give it to me straight Doc, did she make it?" The Doctor softly smiles to Dean and says "Yes she's alive, she has lost a lot of blood but she is alive" Dean puffs out a sigh of relief and says "Thank God". The Doctor says "Yes she's alive but Deanna isn't out of the woods just yet". Panic spreads over The oldest Winchester Siblings face as he asks "What do you mean?" The Doctor glances to Bobby and Nicole and Robbie and focuses his gaze back on Dean and says "Her face is pretty busted up and she has a few cracked ribs  and as I have said before she has lost a lot of blood, and I ran some blood tests on Deanna and it appears that she has not taken her heart medication lately" Dean's eyes widen in shock as he asks "What?" The Doctor nods and says "Yes she has missed a few doses. Mr. Adams it is extremely important Deanna takes her medication because her condition is serious and without her medication a heart attack is bound to happen" and Dean says "I never knew I'll have a word with her Doc. When can I go see her?" The Doctor says "I'm keeping her in for a few days for observation. But you can go and see her, she's in Ward 12, Room A12" Dean nods as the Doctor walks away and Dean says "Thanks Doc".

 But you can go and see her, she's in Ward 12, Room A12" Dean nods as the Doctor walks away and Dean says "Thanks Doc"

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Deanna is laying asleep in a hospital bed and her eyes slowly open and she groans as she rubs the sleep from her eye. Deanna turns her head and Dean is standing at the foot of the bed looking cross and Deanna asks "De? Where am I?" Dean's face softens at Deanna's confused state and he approaches her bedside and sits on the edge of the bed and says "You're in the hospital. You don't remember the car ride over here?" Deanna shakes her head and Deanna asks "Where's Sam?" Dean says "He's with that demon. Now I have a bone to pick with you" Deanna looks at Dean with confusion and Dean continues "You haven't been taking your medication?" Deanna sighs and Dean stands up and angrily asks "How could you be so stupid?! Ever since you could walk Dad's always drummed it into your head how important it is for you not to miss a dose of your medication. Annie you have a heart defect! It's really important you take your medication" and Deanna says "I'm sorry alright! I've been a little bit busy trying to find Dad, my minds been elsewhere and really? You're giving me a lecture right now?" Dean looks down and says "Alright I'll let it go for now but I wanna hear all about this demon" and Deanna sighs as she looks to Dean.

 Annie you have a heart defect! It's really important you take your medication" and Deanna says "I'm sorry alright! I've been a little bit busy trying to find Dad, my minds been elsewhere and really? You're giving me a lecture right now?" Dean loo...

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Later that day Dean is standing at a coffee machine at the reception when Sam walks into the hospital. Sam notices Dean pouring himself a coffee and he rushes to Dean and asks "How is she?" Dean asks pointing to the coffee machine "You want one?" Sam shakes his head and Dean walks down the hall with Sam following him "She's alright, the Doc says she lost a lotta blood and she ain't been taking her heart meds" and Sam says "Wait til I get ahold of her" and Dean says "I already gave her the lecture just drop it for now. You can always shout at her when she's better". Sam nods and says "I gotta speak to you actually" and Dean asks as he sips at his coffee "What's up?" Sam says "The demon told me some things" and Dean asks "What things?" Sam says "Apparently Deanna met the demon" and Dean looks at Sam's widen eyes and asks "The demon? Who killed Mom and Jessica?" Sam nods his head and says "Yeah and he gave her a choice, he told her that she had to tell him everything we all know about him or he would kill her and she chose to keep quiet" and Dean looks taken back and says "She would tell me, I've been with her all day and she hasn't breathed a word of that bastard" and Sam says "We gotta talk to her" and Dean nods and says "Let's go" and The Winchester Brother walk down the hall

 Sam nods and says "I gotta speak to you actually" and Dean asks as he sips at his coffee "What's up?" Sam says "The demon told me some things" and Dean asks "What things?" Sam says "Apparently Deanna met the demon" and Dean looks at Sam's widen e...

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In Deanna's hospital room the door opens and Robbie walks into the room and Deanna smiles to Robbie. Robbie says "Hey sorry I don't mean to disturb you" and Deanna says "No don't be silly come on in" and Robbie nods and he takes his hand from behind his back to reveal a bunch of  red roses and Deanna gasps in surprise. "Robbie their lovely" and Robbie smiles as he holds them out for Deanna to take and Deanna takes the bouquet of flowers and sniffs them and says "I love roses" and Robbie nods and asks "How ya feeling?" Deanna says "I'm fine, I'm alive ain't i" and Robbie nods and says "Yeah thank God". Deanna says "Thank you" and Robbie says "It's fine, there just flowers" and Deanna says "I ain't talking about the flowers. You called Bobby" and Robbie says "So? It's not as if I saved ya" Deanna smiles softly and says "No but least you didn't sit on your ass and done squat. You tried to help and for that I'm thankful" and Deanna places her hand over Robbie's hand and Robbie looks down to their hands together and looks back up at Deanna in shock. Dean and Sam walk in and Deanna pulls her hand away and Dean says "Robbie we need a word with our Sister alone" and Robbie nods and says "Sure" and he looks to Deanna and winks at her which makes her giggle and Robbie stands up from the bed and he leans down and kisses her cheek and walks past Dean and Sam and out of the hospital room and Dean looks taken back by Robbie's affection.

Dean and Sam question Deanna over their knowledge of her meeting with Azazel.
Nicole clashes with Dean and Deanna lays down the law to Nicole.
Robbie pursues Deanna.

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