Season 1 Episode 18 - Bad Dream

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Deanna agreed to go on a date with Robbie.
Sam and Deanna made amends.
Deanna lashed out at a worried Nicole as Nicole's plan to convince Deanna to leave the hunting lifestyle behind backfired.

*In Deanna's hospital room, Deanna is laying inside her bed asleep when after a moment her eyes flutter open and Azazel is standing before her watching her intently

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*In Deanna's hospital room, Deanna is laying inside her bed asleep when after a moment her eyes flutter open and Azazel is standing before her watching her intently. Deanna gasps in horror and she says with fear "Get away from me! DEAN?! SAM?!" Azazel takes out his large knife and says "Nobody can hear you, your Brothers can't save you this time. I told you I was coming back for you" and he slashes her throat and he chuckles darkly as Deanna reaches up to her neck as blood squirts from her neck and she falls back on the bed as blood begins to pool around her and around the bed*

Deanna jolts awake with sweat dripping down her face and she screams "Nooo!" Dean and Sam rush by her side and Deanna hits Dean and shouts "Get away from me!" Dean gently grabs her arms and says "Annie Stop! Annie it's me" Deanna stops struggling against Dean's grip and she looks to Dean and Sam and Sam says "It was just a bad dream Kiddo" and Deanna looks around her and grasps hold of her neck and realises it was a nightmare and says "Yeah it's a bad dream". Dean and Sam look to each other with worry.

Back at Bobby's house, Robbie is in his bedroom and is putting on a t shirt when Bobby walks into his bedroom

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Back at Bobby's house, Robbie is in his bedroom and is putting on a t shirt when Bobby walks into his bedroom. Robbie looks to Bobby and says "Hey Uncle Bobby" and Bobby says "You look happy?". Robbie smirks to his Uncle and says "Well I got a date with Deanna" and Bobby's face drops as he asks "What?" Robbie smirks as he says "I know, she finally said yes". Bobby says "Listen to me Robbie, I would cancel that date" and Robbie picks up his leather jacket and asks "How do ya mean?" Bobby replies "Deanna's troubled, she's been through a lot and I don't want that bleeding all over you" and Robbie smiles and replies "Look Uncle Bobby I appreciate you trying to look out for me, but I'm a big boy I can make my own choices" and Robbie walks past Bobby and exits his bedroom leaving a worried Bobby.

Sam and Dean walk into Deanna's hospital room to see Deanna dressed in her own clothes instead of the hospital gown

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Sam and Dean walk into Deanna's hospital room to see Deanna dressed in her own clothes instead of the hospital gown. Sam and Dean both look to Deanna in confusion and Sam asks "What's going on?" Deanna puts on her leather jacket and looks to her Brothers and says "I'm discharging myself" and Dean scoffs in disbelief and says "Like hell you are, get back in that bed". Deanna rolls her eyes and says "I've already signed the forms, I'm outta here. It won't take long before the cops come round asking questions" and Deanna picks up her duffel bag and says "Let's go" and Dean and Sam both share a worrying look.

Later that day, Deanna walks into Bobby's house followed by Dean and Sam and Dean is carrying her bags and Dean continues "All I'm saying you should've stayed in there for a couple of more days" and Deanna rolls her eyes as Sam interjects "Yeah I ...

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Later that day, Deanna walks into Bobby's house followed by Dean and Sam and Dean is carrying her bags and Dean continues "All I'm saying you should've stayed in there for a couple of more days" and Deanna rolls her eyes as Sam interjects "Yeah I agree with Dean, you shouldn't have left" and Bobby and Robbie walks out of the kitchen and enter the hallway when they see the Winchester Siblings and Bobby asks "What's going on? What are ya doing outta hospital?" Deanna says "Aw don't you start, I've had enough of that between two of them. I dismissed myself cause the cops were gonna ask questions I don't know the answer to and besides I hate hospital". Robbie looks to Deanna and says "Hey Deanna, it's good to see ya" and Deanna smirks to Robbie and says "Right back at ya" and Deanna and Robbie both longingly look to each other and both smile which doesn't go unnoticed as Bobby and Dean and Sam awkwardly look to each other.

In Bobby's guest room, Deanna walks into the bedroom as Dean is sitting on the edge of one of the beds and Sam is rummaging through his duffel bag

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In Bobby's guest room, Deanna walks into the bedroom as Dean is sitting on the edge of one of the beds and Sam is rummaging through his duffel bag. Dean looks up to Deanna and asks "You alright Anklebiter?" Deanna nods and says "I'm fine De" and Deanna sits on the other single bed as she winces in pain as she sits. Sam rushes by her side and Deanna snaps "I'm fine!" Sam stands up straight and says "Sorry" and Deanna looks to Sam with guilt as she felt bad for snapping at her caring Brother. Deanna says "I'm fine Sammy. So what's the plan?" Dean says as he glances to Sam "Well Sam and me have been talking and we both think that we should stay here for a couple of days just until you're 100% and we can keep a eye on you" and Deanna nods and replies "Did you get through to Dad?" Dean looks down and says "I haven't called him yet". Deanna and Sam both look to Dean and Deanna asks "Dad doesn't know?" Sam asks annoyed "You still haven't called him?" Dean stands up and says "I was gonna a bunch of times but I just didn't know what to say to him" and Sam says "Well how about hey Dad Y'know the demon who killed Mom and wrecked our Family has tried to kill Deanna and she's in hospital! Dad would wanna know that she was hurt! She's his Daughter for Christ sake" Deanna stands up and says "Sam calm down" and Dean snaps "and let him know I failed! It's my job to look out for you both" Dean looks to Deanna and says softly with tears in his eyes "you got hurt on my watch and Dad will hate me for that" and Dean walks off out of the bedroom and Deanna and Sam both look to each other.

Deanna tries to come to terms with her attack.
Dean and Deanna have a heart to heart.
Nicole apologises to Deanna.
Deanna and Robbie have their first date.

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