Season 1 Episode 17 - Stay With Me

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Sam raged at Deanna.
Dean laid down the law to Sam.
Deanna opened up to Dean.

Deanna is sitting up in bed watching the small television mounted on the wall when Nicole and Bobby walk into the hospital room

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Deanna is sitting up in bed watching the small television mounted on the wall when Nicole and Bobby walk into the hospital room. Nicole smiles to Deanna as she is carrying a duffel bag and says "Hey Anna, how you feeling?" Nicole approaches Deanna and kisses her cheek and Deanna smiles to Bobby as Bobby says "Hey Kid" and Deanna smiles and says "Hey Bob, and I'm feeling like shit but I'm breathing" and Bobby nods and says "You're a tough girl" and Deanna smirks and says "I'm a Winchester ain't I" and they chuckle. Bobby looks around and asks "Where's your Brothers?" Deanna replies "Dean's getting something from the canteen and Sam ain't here" Bobby nods as Deanna looks to the bag in Nicole's hand and asks "What's in the bag?" Nicole says "I just picked a couple of things for you" and Deanna nods and smiles "Thanks Nic". Dean walks into the hospital room and smiles to Bobby "Hey Bobby" and Bobby nods to Dean. Nicole says "Listen Anna you know I love you, but don't you think you should stop hunting now?" Deanna chuckles dryly and notices Nicole's serious expression and says "Oh you're being serious? How am I supposed to stop hunting? I'm a hunter" and Nicole says "Well look you almost got killed and your beat to hell. Look what this life has gotten you" and Deanna scoffs and says "Nicole I love you, you're my Sister but I'm a hunter, getting hurt is part of the job" and Nicole folds her arms across her chest and says "I want you to quit, think about it Deanna you could come stay with me at Bobby's" and Dean says "Lay off her Nicole" and Nicole snaps "Shut up Dean this is all your fault anyway!" Dean asks surprised "Excuse me?" Bobby sternly says "Nicole". Nicole turns to Dean and says "If it wasn't for you and John, she wouldn't hunt, she wouldn't be trying to impress you guys all the time!" Deanna snaps "That's enough!". Everybody looks to Deanna and Deanna says "Nicole I love you, you're like my Sister but don't think for one minute you can tell me how to live my life. I do what I want when I want, I'm not like you I'm a hunter and I always have been and I always will be! It ain't Dad and Dean's fault I'm a hunter, you wanna blame anyone, blame the demon who killed my Mom!" Nicole says as her face softens "I'm just worried, you almost died" and Deanna shouts "Well I ain't dead! I'm alive! How dare you come in here and tell me how to live my life and start on Dean! Get out" and Nicole glances to Bobby and says "Anna c'mon you don't mean it" and Deanna shouts "GET OUT!" Nicole flinches at Deanna's loud voice and Bobby says "C'mon kid, I'll check in on you later Deanne" and Bobby ushers Nicole out of the hospital room.

 I do what I want when I want, I'm not like you I'm a hunter and I always have been and I always will be! It ain't Dad and Dean's fault I'm a hunter, you wanna blame anyone, blame the demon who killed my Mom!" Nicole says as her face softens "I'm ...

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Later that day Robbie walks into the hospital room to see Deanna sitting up in bed speaking with a Doctor. The Doctor and Deanna both look to Robbie and Robbie says "I can come back?" The Doctor smiles to Robbie and says "No it's fine young man, I was just ready to leave" he turns to Deanna and says "I mean it Miss Adams, Doctors orders" and Deanna nods and says "Alright Doc" and the Doctor nods and walks away and past Robbie and out of the room. Robbie says "What's his problem?" Deanna replies "He ain't too happy that I stopped taking my tablets and told me to get plenty of rest". Robbie nods and says "Ah I see". Robbie approaches Deanna and sits on the side of her bed and Robbie says "Look I know you're going through a lot right now but y'see I really like you Deanna, I fancy you and I can't stop thinking about you is there any chance you'd let me take you out?" Deanna smiles as she looks to Robbie and says "I like you too, you're handsome and sweet and ever since we've met you've shown me so much support, through my Dads disappearance and me being stuck in hospital and that's just made me like you ten times more but the thing is" Robbie cuts Deanna off by saying "Oh that..I hate the thing is" and Deanna giggles and she says "It's just I'm not your average girl, I work away a lot and my family ain't your normal family" Robbie says "We could make it work" and Deanna says "You can go out and get any girl you don't want to be bothered with me" and Robbie places his finger under a Deanna's chin and lifts her head up forcing her to look at him and says "I don't want any other girl, I want you" and Deanna smirks and she says "Alright then you win, I'll let ya take me out" and Robbie chuckles.

I hate the thing is" and Deanna giggles and she says "It's just I'm not your average girl, I work away a lot and my family ain't your normal family" Robbie says "We could make it work" and Deanna says "You can go out and get any girl you don't wan...

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Later that day, Dean is sitting on the chair by Deanna's bedside and Deanna and Dean are talking. Deanna groans "C'mon De, I'm bored. I'm sick of staring at these walls" and Dean says "Look Annie, you almost died. We gotta follow the Doctors orders" and Deanna groans. Sam walks into the hospital room and smiles to Deanna and Deanna looks away avoiding Sam's gaze and Dean looks between his younger Siblings and stands up and says "I'm gonna go and try Dad again" and Deanna nods and Dean looks to Deanna and places his hand on her shoulder and says "I'll just be right outside Anklebiter" and Deanna nods and he walks off out of the hospital room. Sam awkwardly says "Hey" and Deanna stares down ahead and Sam says "How you feeling?" Deanna scoffs in disbelief and asks "Like you care" and Sam's face drops and he says "Of course I care, you're my kid Sister" and Deanna glances to Sam. Sam sits by her bedside and he says "Listen Anne, how I spoke to you that was wrong of me. I should never have treated you that way" Deanna replies "I know you're still grieving Jessica and my heart breaks for you it really does Sam but you don't ever speak to me that way again" and Sam nods and says "Yeah I was in the wrong, Dean made me see that. I was just pissed at the demon and I think I was in shock that you almost died I know it's no excuse but I'm truly sorry please don't hate me" and Deanna says "You're my Big Brother, I could never hate you. This demon he plans to destroy our family we need to stick together instead of tearing apart" and Sam nods and says "Yeah I know, I'm sorry" and Deanna says "It's fine, you've apologised now let's just make that the end of it" and Sam nods and says "He's gonna pay for everything he's done, killing Mom and Jess and trying to kill you" and Deanna nods and says "I know Sammy, I know".

As Deanna struggles after her attack The Winchester's has plan to destroy Azazel.
Sam and Dean clash over the decision to tell John of recent events.
Robbie and Deanna have their first date.

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