Season 1 Episode 1 - Grown Up

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It's late at night and inside a motel room, Deanna Winchester are sitting at the small round table tying on a laptop and listening to Bon Jovi

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It's late at night and inside a motel room, Deanna Winchester are sitting at the small round table tying on a laptop and listening to Bon Jovi. When a moment later Dean Winchester walks into the room and Deanna glances to Dean and says "Lemme guess, no answer?" Dean shakes his head and says "Nah he's not answering" Deanna sighs as she stops typing and she says "This isn't like Dad, he's been awol for weeks" Dean nods and says "Listen we're gonna find him" and Deanna says "It's been two weeks De, I mean what if he's in danger? What if some demon got to him?" Dean says "This is Dad we're talking about Annie, he'll be fine...we just need to find him" Deanna nods and Dean suddenly smirks and Deanna asks "What?" Dean says "Pack up, I got a idea".

It's late at night when Dean pulls up outside of Stanford College with a grin across his lips

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It's late at night when Dean pulls up outside of Stanford College with a grin across his lips. Deanna looks to Dean and says ''No'' with a shake of her head and Dean says "Sis we gotta" and Deanna says "Nah we cant, Sam left this life...we can't just drag him back into it" and Dean says "He has a right to know about Dad and besides he can help" and Deanna rolls her eyes and Dean gets out of the car and slams the drivers side door shut and Deanna asks "You're going up there now? At this time?" Dean says with a playful smirk "No time like the present Anklebiter, stay here inside the car" and Dean walks off and Deanna mutters "Great".

we can't just drag him back into it" and Dean says "He has a right to know about Dad and besides he can help" and Deanna rolls her eyes and Dean gets out of the car and slams the drivers side door shut and Deanna asks "You're going up there now? A...

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Inside Sam Winchester's dorm room, Sam is asleep in the bedroom along with Jessica when suddenly he hears a bang. Sam's eyes snap open and he glances to Jessica and gently kisses her on the temple and sneaks out of bed. Dean sneaks around in the dorm in the dark looking for a light switch when suddenly Sam tackles Dean to the floor only for Dean to get the upper hand and flips over sending Sam on his back and Dean on top of Sam and Dean says "Woah easy tiger" and Sam struggles until he looks up and his face falls in realisation and he asks "Dean?" Dean chuckles and says "You've lost your touch baby Brother" and Sam says "Get off me man" and Dean stands up and takes Sam's hand and helps Sam up onto his feet.

 Dean sneaks around in the dorm in the dark looking for a light switch when suddenly Sam tackles Dean to the floor only for Dean to get the upper hand and flips over sending Sam on his back and Dean on top of Sam and Dean says "Woah easy tiger" an...

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Outside the campus Deanna is sitting in the passenger seat when she scrolling through her phone and she looks down to a photo of John and a Younger Deanna and she smiles softly and she strokes her thumb over John's face. Deanna deeply sighs and goes into the contact list and calls John and presses the cellphone to her ear only to hear his voicemail and she rolls her blue eyes. Deanna says "Hey Dad, it's me again...look I don't know what's going on, all I know is your missing and I don't know if you're in some kinda danger but can you at least let me know you're okay cause I miss you Dad" and she hangs up and sniffles and wipes her stray tears. Deanna gets out of the car when Suddenly a group of young men walk past and one of the men wolf whistled and says "Damn girl why don't ya come to my dorm, I don't mind studying you" Deanna rolls her eyes and says "Fuck off I'm not in the mood" and the men chuckle and the man replies "Ooh blonde and feisty, my kinda woman" and Deanna angrily walks over to the men and she raises her knee to the mans midsection and the man groans in pain and falls to the ground and all the men look in shock and Deanna angrily says "I wouldn't look at any of ya twice, and if I were you I'd stop treating girls like objects!" and Deanna storms off and the man shouts "Crazy Bitch!" Deanna stops in her tracks and she turns around and she angrily marches over to the man who is laying on the ground gripping onto his midsection and Deanna swiftly kicks the man's face and blood begins to pour out of his nose and mouth and she looks to the other men and says "I might be crazy but least I'm not a creep" Deanna looks to the other college male students and says "Let that be a lesson to you all, us girls aren't a piece of meat" and she walks off smirking.

In Sam's dorm room, Sam asks "So Dad's missing?" Dean nods and says "I'm worried Sam, I'm tryna keep it together for Deanna but I need ya" and Sam deeply sighs

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In Sam's dorm room, Sam asks "So Dad's missing?" Dean nods and says "I'm worried Sam, I'm tryna keep it together for Deanna but I need ya" and Sam deeply sighs. When Jessica walks into the living room and asks "Sam?" The Winchester Brothers both look to Jessica and Sam groans and Dean steps forward and says "Well hello" Jessica says "Hey? Who are you?" Sam steps forward and says "Jess, this is Dean my Brother, Dean this is Jessica my girlfriend" Dean smirks to Jessica. When suddenly Deanna walks into the dorm room and looks at everybody and Sam smiles proudly at Deanna. Dean says "I thought I told ya to wait in the car?" Deanna says "I was but then some guys came and hassled me" Dean and Sam tense up and Dean shouts "Where are they?!" Deanna says "I handled it". Deanna looks to Sam and asks "What's up Sammy? No hug for your Baby Sister?" Sam grins and says "Heya Kiddo" and Deanna runs to Sam and Sam wraps his arms around his Younger Sister and engulfs her in a hug and Deanna says "I missed ya so much!" Dean looks on with a loving smile as he watches Deanna and Sam. Deanna steps away from Sam and Sam says "Look at you! You've grown up so much!" Deanna says "Yeah well last time we saw each other I was sixteen" and The Winchester Siblings laugh.

As Deanna meets Jessica, Dean and Deanna persuade Sam to help them on their mission to find their Father.
Deanna warns Jessica.

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