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Throughout dinner, sitting with Anna, Merida couldn't help but feel left out by the older girls, and she could tell Anna felt the same.

Merida was an incredible dancer and was a year below Rapunzel and Hiccup. despite being the year below she had been accepted into the advanced programme a year early due to Astrid Hofferson pulling out of the programme halfway through (who also happened to be Hiccup's dance partner). This meant that auditions had to be held to find a new member of the advanced class halfway through to fill in. Merida had breezed through, astounding the teachers and had become Hiccups' last-minute dance partner. This resulted in her gaining enough recognition to win the female scholarship for the advanced programme for this year. 

Rapunzel was a year older, had already completed her first year of the advanced class, and had made many more friends than Merida, especially by Anna's elder sister, who mostly ignored the two, favouring to talk in giggles and whispers with Rapunzel.

"It's been like this all summer; she won't even look at me. It's ridiculous," Anna murmured to Merida as she pushed the peas on her plate. "it's like she's all upset that I somehow got accepted into her little special ballet party... ridiculous," She continued, grimacing. Merida huffed in agreement. The advanced class opened auditions for people over the age of sixteen; this year, Anna, Merida, and a few other girls had been accepted. The number of new recruits that get let in depends on how many spots need to be filled.

"I know what you mean; Hiccup basically ignored me the entire summer," Merida remarked; Anna widened her eyes and gave a confused look.

"Aren't you guys like best friends?" Anna said, confusion still etched on her face.

"Yeah, but he's just been so closed off.. it's whatever, I'm sure he'll explain why later", Merida murmured. Speaking of Hiccup. Where was he? all the full-time live-in ballet students ate in the same hall regardless of their programme. "I mean, I get it but still sucks to be ignored the entire summer", Merida added. Anna shrugged and motioned toward her sister.

"true that," Anna said under her breath, clearly referencing her sister ignoring her. At that moment, Rapunzel finally stopped her little giggle fest with Elsa and turned back to Merida.

"Elsa says that there's a gathering in the east tower comms tonight for all of us in the advanced programme" She giggled excitedly.

"so the boy's tower?" Merida remarked, looking sceptical.

"Yeah, the boys all went for dinner tonight. That's why none are here," Elsa drawled, sweeping her hair out of her face. Merida looked around, she was right none of the boys she had met last year in the advanced programme were there. "Hiccups also invited as like an honorary member or something," Elsa said. Merida was about to respond with a resounding no and the excuse that she was tired from her flight over here when Anna butted in.

"Yes, we'll be there! Mer, I haven't seen Hiccup in ages," Anna pleaded slightly. Merida gave a nod and murmured 'sure ill be there, before going back to her dinner, shooting a look at Anna; however, the other redhead was too happy about her friend for once actually agreeing to go out to a party that she didn't really care how many dirty looks her friend was gonna shoot her.

"Oh great! The whole gang will be there," Rapunzel gushed before slyly looking at Elsa "And the scholarship boy will be there too, right?" She said. Elsa gave a light laugh and checked her phone before replying.

"According to Flynn, yes, he should appear. His name is Jack," She said, pointing the phone towards Rapunzel, whose smile seemed to widen impossibly wide.

For the rest of dinner, Anna bugged Merida on what she was going to wear to the party; when Merida gestured at her slouchy jeans and an oversized green sweatshirt, Anna flummoxed.

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