-An Assassin's Job-

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While walking on the pavement, you couldn't help but steal glances on other people's way who pass by your form. Thinking if life would've been so different if you didn't ended up in this situation, ended up like this... A monster who kill people for money. You couldn't help but think what it feels like to be normal. And you couldn't help but hope that when all of this ends you'll get a normal life... Just this once. But you knew that was far from possible.

Too lost in your own thoughts. You didn't even notice or realize that someone was running towards you in a rapid speed. Before you knew it, you felt something harshly bump into you causing your food to slip out of your hands and land on the floor.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you miss" a voice squeaked out.

Looking up at the culprit, you were met by large golden irises and blonde messy locks. He wore a suit but his necktie was clumsily done and he has a suitcase in hand. At his very appearance alone you could only assume that he works for a company and is now running late for work.

"It's fine" you said smoothly while dusting your suit.

"Allow me" picking your food from the ground before handing you your breakfast.

"Thank you" you mumbled after receiving your breakfast.

"It's a pleasure meeting you miss but I have to go now. Have a great day!" the stranger said in an oddly cheerful tone before running the opposite direction to where you were going.

"Odd" you mumbled under your breath. How could someone be this cheerful when it's Monday. Brushing the thought off, you continued your walk to your apartment.


"P-Please spare me! I have a daughter! A family" your target pleaded, horror written on their face as they faced a gun cocked onto their forehead.

"Do you have a wife?"


"Is she still alive?"


"Good. Then, I'm sure she can take care of your daughter while you're gone"

"No! Plea-"

Not even finishing his sentence, he got cut off when the bullet was shot through his head. Going limp, he fell on the ground. Blood oozing out of his forehead, staining the carpet. Cleaning the end of your gun, you glanced at your phone to see that the 'guy' who hired to assassinate the man already paid the exact amount. Humming in content, you stared back at the dead man's body, eyes with a hint of disgust. Fleeing the away from the scene you thought.

'If he had a family. Then, he shouldn't have done awful things that may affect him or them. He's an awful excuse for a father. If he weren't such an awful man then I wouldn't have assassinated him in the first place. I just don't kill anyone unless they did some awful things in life'

Walking around in the dead of night as the gentle breeze howled hit your s/c skin. The sky was dark and cloudy much to your disspointment since you didn't have the chance to stargaze. Sitting down on a bench near a lamppost while staring at your shoes as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.


Tap! Tap!

Tap! Tap! Tap!

One by one, water started to fall and before you knew it the sky was crying. Raining cats and dogs causing your figure to get soaked. Grumbling under your breath, you closed your eyes in despair. God, why does your day keep getting worse and worse. After a few minutes, much to your confusion you felt no water hitting your figure and you also felt presence beside your lonely form. If blood was all over you right now you would've killed them on the spot to lessen their suspicion.

Starlight// Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora