-Why would I be Mad?-

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The tantalizing aroma of coffee filled your nostrils. Sighing you sipped the cup of coffee in hand while looking at the view from outside of your apartment. Examining the tall buildings and the busy streets crowded with people. Looking from your balcony you noticed the plant you were keeping was slowly withering. Frowning you took a watering can and sprayed it on the plant. "There..." you mumbled with a smile before heading inside your apartment.

Placing the cup down on the table, you stretched for a bit earning a satisfied pop. You suddenly felt arms rapping around your waist and something rest on your shoulder.


Smiling looking behind you facing Sundrop. You saved him in the Pizzaplex when it got caught on fire. Luckily the two of you got out safely.

"Yes, darling?" you ask placing your hand on his chest. "Stay here with me" he said before taking both of your hands kissing it gently. Smiling fondly, you caressed his cheek "I can't, I need to go to work" this caused him to whine in response hugging you tighter not wanting to let go. "But you're always busyyy" he complained with a frown on his lips completely displeased. "Well, I have to or else I can't afford to pay the rent. I'm sorry Sunny" you said making his frown deepen while his eyes landed on the floor. You immediately felt guilty bubbling on your stomach. In your point of view, he looks like a kicked puppy right now.

Sighing you made him look at you in the face. "I'm really sorry Sunny. I promise I'll make it up to you~" you cooed quickly kissing his lips. This caused him to smile widely with stars in his eyes "Okay!". Chuckling at his behavior you kissed him again but this time on the cheek and started to get ready for working.

Slipping your coat on you looked at the watch in your wrist panicking that you were already late for work. Quickly grabbing your brief case and slipping your shoes on you gave Sundrop a kick peck telling him a 'see you later' before running off to work.

Panting, you got into the building with sweat running down your face. "You're late again" your co-worker said with three coffees in hand. "Want some?" the asked but you shook your head telling them that your good. They only shrugged in response before going to their own work place. Standing up straight you composed yourself before walking to your office.

When you closed the door of your office, you immediately plopped down on the chair letting out a sigh while massaging your forehead. Opening your laptop, you typed in the password and immediately got to work.

While you were busy typing and looking at the file in hand a knock came from the door. "Come in" when you said that your friend Ethan came in with a box in hand. A smile immediately came to your lips glad to see your friend. "Oh Ethan, what brings you here?" you ask. He gave you a warm smile before placing the box on your table. You looked at the box curiously examining it before looking up again. "What's this?" you ask pointing at the box in front of you. "It's a gift from me. Come on open it" he said.

Grabbing the box, you began to unwrap the rapper and when you opened the box you gasped in awe. There you saw a beautiful necklace laying there in all its glory. "Oh Ethan... you didn't have to" you said completely speechless. Ethan chuckled "Well I thought that it would look good on you so I decided to buy it for you" he said sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "I really appreciate it Ethan" you said with a huge smile on your face. Ethan turned away faking a cough before looking back at you. "Now shall we head and grab some lunch?" he asks but you quickly shook your head about to decline the offer but in cue your stomach began to grumble.

He started laughing at this while you shrunk down slightly, wanting to hide from embarrassment. Coughing, placing the box aside in a safe place you stood up brushing your clothes before speed walking out of the office. "You coming or what?" you said still walking away from your office. "Okay, just wait for me" he said wiping the tears in his eyes for laughing so hard before catching up beside you.

Starlight// Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin